Reviews for Visiting Hours
Nightwolf King of the Wolves chapter 1 . 7/14/2019
kaizer20 chapter 1 . 1/8/2015
Alright, Lol is here!

Honestly, Korvira is a beautiful couple as Korrasami is but due to mainstream, well, Korrasami won. I'm not saying I hate it but if LoK continues, I hopefully can see a Korvira relationship budding too because as I said, they're both beautiful couples.

Anyway, you're story is very funny in a romantic way and I would love for this to continue. It was really inspiring and out of all the Korvira stories I've read, this is by far the best one and the most appreciated one I've ever read so please don't let it end here and continue.

Infinity High! Move on!
azarathianscribbles chapter 1 . 12/26/2014
I saw that art and wondered if this piece was based off of it. It made me into a shipper too, though Korrasami is great. I think I'm discovering a knack for unhealthy ships, and I thank you for helping me along the way.
Best of luck!
Michael chapter 1 . 12/25/2014
If I wasn't a Korvira shipper before, I definitely am now! Great job!
Bearbutt chapter 1 . 12/24/2014
I liked the attention to detail you paid for the prison in here. Doing the research really pays off.

I'm glad nikkipet's art inspired a flux of creative works for this pairing. This is such a cute and sweet little piece. I'm glad you included Zhu Li noticing Kuvira's tea preference. It makes the story's existence in the universe more solid.

Overall, lovely. I hope you write more for this pairing.
Tuume chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
The pacing and dialogue made this. The conversation was well written and progressed in a natural way. The budding friendship/maybe something more was very sweet to read. Thanks for this. I hope you continue to write for these two.
words-with-dragons chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
It made me ship it too, so hard. SO HARD. The comic is beautiful, just like this fic. Great description, great emotion, you nailed both of their characterizations too. Fabulous job. I hope you have a great day! :)
BenRG chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
Many of the spirits of past Avatars would tell Kuivara that the only prison worth fearing is the one we forge for ourselves from fear, regret, ambition and hate. It doesn't matter if she's in a ceramic-and-glass bending-proof box for the rest of her life. She is only ever as imprisoned or free as she allows herself to be.
mick3y92 chapter 1 . 12/23/2014
this is awesome i just saw the fanart of tjis on tumblr nd im glad theres now a fic to go with it hope you write more of these two they dont have nearly enough fics
alexsmdd chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
I liked this a lot.
(I'm a Korra/Kuvira shipper too it's okay)
You should make a sequel to this, I really liked where this was going even if it was a one shot
edboy4926 chapter 1 . 12/22/2014
Good story