Reviews for It's a Body Shock
NewandOld chapter 1 . 4/12/2015
This is actually pretty awesome, if I have anything to say about this!
I really like how you thought the entire Abigail and her reintegration into life at SFIT and getting to know Hiro and everything.

Alrighty, going to my favs!
hiddeninthelibrary chapter 1 . 4/10/2015
You are a genius.
Awesome job!
GottaGo chapter 1 . 3/27/2015
Like? No, sorry I don' is a much better word to describe how I feel about this fic. Hope to see more in this verse soon!
mangaluva chapter 1 . 3/5/2015
FINALLY ONE OF YOUR FICS THAT DOESN'T UTTERLY KILL ME. I love your writing style, but most of them utterly kill me to death (although this dipped into it when Abigail nightmared about Five Alarm Death March, thanks for that QwQ )

But mostly, this made me laugh like hell. "Does Fred even go here?" (HE'S JUST GOT A LOT OF FEELINGS) and "stressed out science majors who need some colour back in their schedules before they lose it and start setting buildings on fire" and especially "there's no way one man can be born so ugly without my foot's divine intervention". I nearly died over that (in a good way). I love your Abigail SO MUCH. She's just such a Boss A** B**** (I wish ffnet would let me say things sometimes) and she is the best neesan for Hiro and oh my god I think I would have cried if you'd included Hiro calling her that. I love the idea of her joining the Big Hero 6, too. Just aaah this fic makes me so happy :D
Guest chapter 1 . 11/26/2014
hey can you making big hero 6 or 7 you got what about nicktoons unite or gundam can you make crossover too i just want to excited
APlagueOnBothYourHouses chapter 1 . 11/22/2014
Oh my god /you made it better/
Aaaaaaahhhhh not only do we now have an extremely badass character, we get to see her more human side as she struggles against extremely circumstances, too!
I love love love your characterizations soo much, and the whole 'haunted by technicolour smoke' imagery speaks to me a lot and basically I lost coherency somewhere around 'and wow, this is harder than she'd thought.' The way you slip such profound meanings into a sentence with a few grammar twists and some unconventional phrasing makes me want to curl my toes up with readerly joy. Holy shit you are the bomb.
krazysleepykitty chapter 1 . 11/16/2014
Ok I really love this and your interpretation of Abigail is the best! Can you possibly make drabbles of more bigsis!Abigail with Hiro? Or maybe an AU where Tadashi and Abigail were close friends during high school and became Hiro's big sister even earlier and they grieved when they found out about the Silent Sparrow accident. Professor Callaghan didn't become a rampaging murderer but was determined to open up the portal again years after with Hiro's copied (not stolen, Tadashi needs to be aliveeeee) microbots to be with his daughter and then they discover that Abigail is still alive and the story can go on with happy endings and Tadashi being alive!
gearsky chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
Loved it! I think there should be more fics with Abigail, and am disappointed that doesn't have her as a character tag.
littlemsclementine chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
One of the best works I have ever read. It was wonderful, beautiful, and emotional. Good job!
EllaShootingStar chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
This may be the best thing I've read in a long time. I love your characterization of Abigail, the plot, everything. This is perfect.
Celestia's Paladin chapter 1 . 11/14/2014
Pretty well done, I saw BH6 for the first time today and enjoyed the heck out it. I also thought that Abigail's story isn't quite done yet, and I can see this happening. Glad I watched the movie when I did before Callaghan got the leather pants treatment... sorry bad experiences with some fandoms

From what I can gather, there is a bit of word of god about GoGo's real name