Reviews for Beyond Stalag 13
Cassandra30 chapter 1 . 10/30/2018
Excellent. I think some of the character portrayals were not interpreted accurately but a good story anyway.
Guest chapter 1 . 1/11/2017
Laverock chapter 1 . 12/25/2015
Sehr gut.
cimmer chapter 1 . 12/19/2015
That had a sweet ending. I'm glad Schultz was back to making toys and Helga found a place with him, I was worried there for a minute. Too bad about LeBeau and Schultz, but I can see it. Yay for Carter and Newkirk and Kinch though. Hogan as an airline pilot, yeah that makes sense lol. Thanks
VST chapter 1 . 10/8/2015
I loved Hogan's Heroes and knew that it was a play on the movies of the time, but one could never really forget that, despite all the humor of the show, it wasn't reality. The Nazi regime and its supporters were evil.

This short story does a good job bringing closure after the laughter was gone, including particularly with the difficult to address parts. There was some sadness as characters moved on with uncertain lives, but I particularly liked that the ending offered hope.

Thanks for sharing.
Celgress chapter 1 . 7/7/2015
Thank you for the great postscript story to a series that never received, due to fate, the final it so richly deserved.
Independent Dude chapter 1 . 3/27/2015
Awesome story!
0279 chapter 1 . 11/27/2014
Say, this was pretty good! I loved the series and was bummed to see it end without a proper series finale, but this was an interesting perspective of what might have happened.
baja-king chapter 1 . 11/9/2014
Nicely done. There are other characters I would like to see your take on after the war including Tiger, Marya and even Crittendon - if you feel you would like to do their stories as well.
Goldleaf83 chapter 1 . 11/2/2014
It's nice to see a new writer in the fandom, and this series of after-the-war vignettes is very well done. The futures you envision seem grounded solidly in the characterization from the series for the most part (though LeBeau never seems quite that angry with Schultz). The ones for Hochstetter was quite appropriately chilling. I liked how you connected the endings of the Schultz and Helga stories to provide a sweet ending. And Helga's post-war feelings about Hogan fit all too appropriately with his appreciation of "fringe benefits" at the end of his vignette, signaling his general attitude quite clearly.
snooky-9093 chapter 1 . 10/19/2014
Hi and welcome to the HH board! I always love to read this type of introspective story (with different vignettes). You have a nice tone and style. I do wish you would consider a proofreader as there are quite a few errors (spelling, punctuation, etc) that distract from the story you are trying to tell. A few minor quibbles. Burkhalter's name is not Hans. It is Albert (from the series itself). I do like your few paragraphs about his post-war plans. Not sure LeBeau would have been so unfriendly (almost nasty) towards Schultz. I had the impression that Hogan and his men were actually fond of the man. There were two secretaries. Helga and Hilda. Helga was only there for the first season, but since the timeline wasn't consistent, she could have been there throughout the series. She was well aware of what was going on in camp. I doubt that she would have turned in her parents. Hilda helped out as well, although I don't believe (imo) that she was as aware as Helga.

I truly liked your vignettes about Klink and Schultz.

I can see that happening to poor Schultz, and you did well on connecting Schultz's part with Helga's.

I hope you continue to write for this fandom.
Sailor Barsoom chapter 1 . 10/17/2014
Pretty good. Two of the Allies (Hogan and Carter) are in Indiana; they will probably meet up. Also, Hogan knows Oliver Wendell Douglas of Green Acres. The tree of them might wind up in Petticoat Junction.
Sgt. Moffitt chapter 1 . 10/10/2014
Congratulations on your first HH story, and welcome to the fandom! I expect most of us have a hazy idea of a postwar future for the characters, with happy endings for the Heroes and not-so-happy endings for Hochstetter and Burkhalter.

Your version certainly seems believable and in character: Hogan wanting to fly, Kinch staying in the army because he had found a measure of respect there, Carter becoming a pharmacist, LeBeau opening a restaurant. The choice of locksmith for Newkirk's postwar career seems particularly apt!

How sad, though, that although they hoped to stay in touch, apparently none of them did.

As for the Germans: Klink slipping away into obscurity, Burkhalter looking after his own hide (as always!) and escaping to Switzerland, and Hochstetter proclaiming his Nazism even as the gallows trap-door opened beneath him seem fitting ends for the characters as most fans view them.

I liked the ending the most, though. To picture Schultz building toys again and Helga joining him in the business was particularly satisfying.
Abracadebra chapter 1 . 10/10/2014
I wrote a review of this yesterday but somehow it failed to post. You write confidently, and I'm always intrigued to see what authors will come up with in vignettes. There are some tasty little morsels here. The Helga episode at the end was quite bittersweet, and contains the kernel of a good post-series story, I think. I liked Newkirk's new path, too. LeBeau's anger toward Schultz felt out of character to me, though. Throughout the story, more attention to detail would be good - there are quite a few typos, misspellings, and misused words. In one paragraph, you have "breading stock" and then you correctly spell "breeder," so I think you would have caught that if you took a little more time to proofread. Same thing with "Sargent" and "sergeant" in a single paragraph. I'm glad to see you contributing and look forward to more from you.