Reviews for The Korprulu Reich
The armed forces chapter 2 . 7/25/2018
Wish you would countine this story
DemonLord Mazoku chapter 2 . 6/26/2017
Azrael is going to run in to huge problems with the Protoss since they have existed around or before the Goa'uld, they have shield that are as strong or stronger then the Asgard's shielding. They also have a planetary glassing weapon that will be devastating on there ships the size of their void rays and carriers, not to mention the motherships, the ark ships. Azrael has his work cut out for him.
The fact is the Zerg are going to be a bigger problem when they arrive then any other faction he will meet. He needs ground vehicles like tanks and trans ports also a flag ship like the one Apophis had. He is going to need it if he wants to survive the Swarm.

Good work by the way, Azrael is in the process of making a society like Earths, slave are greatly less productive that willing workers.
He will need a way to fight the Swarm on the ground maybe personal shield for his infantry and tanks as a way to mach the Protoss and later the Zerg threat, also he will want the Yamato cannon from the Terrans in the sector.
Please update!
donald chapter 2 . 12/1/2016
so wait, how's this a crossover with starcraft? also, story is decent, a bit odd might I add. Suddenly in two shortish chapters, from a host to having sex with one of the highest ranking people. might want to slow down or debuff them a bit, also be sure to make him rapidly expand but get attacked and raided by other forces, makes more to write on. Say a colony got attacked and thousands taken as slaves for them. etc etc.
Morgana LeFay97 chapter 2 . 4/9/2016
please please please update this story it's brilliant!
ThedemonlordPingu chapter 2 . 1/13/2016
Awesome story so far
Please continue it as there are hardly any stories like these online
tf330129 chapter 2 . 3/22/2015
keep it up :)
Tsamoka chapter 2 . 1/11/2015
I hope he doesn't forget the whole "genetic memory" thing the Go'auld have...
JanusGodOfPossibilities chapter 2 . 12/2/2014
Excellent chapter. 4,000/10

I hope he has a good relationship with his Tok'ra children. I also hope she eventually spawns a few Queens for safekeeping.
JanusGodOfPossibilities chapter 1 . 12/2/2014
Excellent chapter. 4,000/10

If he finds the designs for a cloak tech, I hope he thinks to construct hidden cloaked and shielded towers with good range and sensors every few miles so he can both get a good unbiased view/database of history on Earth and a spy ring/network to watch the planet. I also hope he finds a technology that can scan, copy and store books and scrolls, especially the Library of Alexandria.

I don't know if Azrael's Earth had "StarCraft" in it, but if it did, will he be creating anything like "Data Collectors"? As an example: "The Terran Legion" by East Bridge (ID /s/8962323/3/ Chapter 3)
Lord Asmodeus chapter 2 . 9/27/2014
Quite entertaining. A shame that your self-insert is a pet of Egeria. She is a shame on the Goa'uld. You could have dozen times more power by decreeing yourself a God. A dozen times more by embracing the genetic memory of the Goa'uld.
syed chapter 2 . 8/8/2014
Have the sodan even formed yet? I can see him offering them a place.
If forced to fight an endless war, would he recruit from the outcast jaffa, those whose masters are killed or defeated?
Has he created a gate capable fleet, piloted and unmaned unites, to be deployed through the gate, in enough strength, so to allow the main force to come through.
I wonder if he might hide egeria when she is forced on the run, or search her out when she is imprisoned. his jaffa would need their own ikndependant suplly likly. if he made a version like tretonin, he could lessen the threat of rebellion, as well as boost his human soldiers.
Will he make improved jaffa armor, or simply their field equipment.
Tokra crystals are perect for creating, fortifications, trenches and other such things. the ability to modify a battle ground would be useful.
yu was apparently one of the bestter snakes, i wonder how he will get along with azreal. we know at one point hathor rebels, i wonder if he will be her warden.
he talks about a niven ring, what about a simple orbital elevator or an orbital ringg to start?
the seed ship allows all stargates in range to be detected and their addresses. this tech would greatly aid in exploration and expansion.
jabbarulez chapter 2 . 8/8/2014
father of (some of) the tok'ra? and her encouraging her to spawn more queens? methinks the future is going to be very interesting...
edboy4926 chapter 2 . 8/8/2014
Awesome chapter
Lord Erebos chapter 2 . 8/8/2014
Amazing chapter cannot wait till the next one.

Fathering the Tok'ra? that's new haven't seen it done before.

a quick few question if you could answer if that's OK.

What kind of defenses do you have around your star gate on your capital? i know that the goaul'd have the technology to place a shield around it preventing matter form, thereby acting like a gate. Or at least Anubis did.

Since you have an Old Alteran seed ship, im not sure on this since it's been a while since i have seen destiny but would it have a type of control chair, in there somewhere, if so it could open the way for neural technology. ( Using your mind to control various pieces of equipment ships, etc.

have you considered cybernetic enhancement for your people and yourself.

following on from enhancements maybe you take a page out of Niriti's book and tinker around with genetics, you could develop a whole study on abilities such as telekinesis, telepathy and so on. you could even find a way to increase your synaptic connectivity to effectively make it for your scientists to become smarter or at least get them and your self to use more of your brain since at the moment normal hums would only use 10% i think i remember Einstein using 12% imagine if you could have it higher? just don't go over 80% since you might accidentally ascend by mistake.
thunder18 chapter 2 . 8/7/2014
Great chapter Update soon
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