Reviews for Growing Up Gibblet
Suzy Q chapter 4 . 9/9/2018
Really enjoyed the school reports, with all the praise and the problems created by the kids. But I especially loved the "horror" musings about their futures 30 years from now, when all 4 kids went bad in very different ways. Don't think Papa Gibbs would have ever permitted that to happen.

I was glad they got away with going to 4 different movies without him finding out about it. It was such a minor crime and they didn't deserve to be punished for it. Kids have got to put one over on parents once in a while.
Chrissysmiles chapter 4 . 6/2/2017
Wait, what happen with the movie, did they get away with it? How long did Abby have night,no,no!
What happened?
Hate when dreams switch focus!
bakermomma74 chapter 2 . 12/29/2015
I love your here and now series. Really wish you would update this series again soon. It's very detailed and well wriitten. The dialog is very age appropriate for the kids, but true to their adult characters personalities. Thanks for posting this little series.
Midlo chapter 4 . 9/19/2014
I love me some Gibblets! Great job!
angelscatie chapter 4 . 9/2/2014
Cute ending. Looking forward to what you come up with next
Guest chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
HA! What a dream Gibbs had. Especially with the kids grown up and what happened to them.
Angusina chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
DS2010 chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
Loved the continued descriptions of the kids.
Happy they brought pizza.
gibblette chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
Such an entertaining series. I especially loved the impressions the teachers got of Gibbs based on the kids' reactions to various situations. Love to see those expanded and more similar explored with the addition of stumbling through the clarifications with the teachers and other adults.
binkeybella chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
I read this when I woke up this morning and was still in bed, and laughed out loud. Lots of places to laugh, but my loudest 'guffaw' was Gibbs' 'misunderstandings' with the teachers, esp. Tony, Tim and Kate's, as to their father's unorthodox way of doing things. The best was Tim's, where he finds his father unapproachable while in the basement drinking several nights a week. Wooo-weee, that would make for some interesting parent-teacher conferences! Love all your stories, but I think this chap is my favorite - perhaps Gibbs needs to come up with worst case scenarios for his actual adult 'kids' to keep from going round the twist from their behavior!
wandamarie chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
Great chapter and ending thanks
peppe1951 chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
Great ending...I loved the way that Gibbs' "children" came home to check on their dad at the end of the day.

I hope you will write more in this universe...
accounting professional chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
Great chapter. I loved it when Gibbs thoughts about the personalities of his kids in school situations.
TonysSilverFox chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
Very sweet! I loved Gibbs' future versions of the gang, very inventive! I love these little stories, well done ;-)
torontogirl12 chapter 4 . 8/30/2014
Really enjoyed this story especially the predictions for the kids futures.
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