Reviews for The Vanquisher
Silverwingzz chapter 11 . 4/4
That’s kinda boring, not gonna change much if he’s just healing besides keeping certain characters alive.
jmw03u chapter 18 . 3/26
Thank you for writing this. It was a good story. I liked Andune.
kurokazeryuu chapter 11 . 2/9
Or you could just say herb lore?
Seraphy64 chapter 8 . 10/28/2019
You know I've read a few HP/Lotr crossovers that have Harry participate in the battles like this, and he never makes much difference in the end. Mostly because he doesn't make efficient use of his magic (and the authors don't wanna stray from canon I guess). I mean in this fic he even has a broom, so he just has to fly over the army and fiendfire it, then step back and watch the carnage. Or he could cast repero on the wall that was blown up. Or actually use his broom to fly down and kill the bomber and prevent the explosion.

And they rarely make full use of transfiguration. Transfigure a rock into a panther, load it up with charms like unbreakable, silencing, disillusionment, etc and repeat. He could have had dozens of killing machines before the army even arrived.
Guest chapter 18 . 4/20/2019
Authors who leave an ending to the reader? Lazy assholes who quite you mean. Yep lazy dickheads who can’t be bothered to finish what they start. Stupid fucking ending. -5 for that alone. Retard.
Guest chapter 10 . 4/20/2019
Why is it the good guys have to have so many stupid people to fuck shit up. Why were merry and pippin even allowed to go? Why were they continued to be allowed every time they fucked up? What skills did they have to help? Most of the time, those two are comedy relief, and serve as a way to fuck over the good guys and help the bad guys. Why were they allowed to stay on a mission that the fate of the world rests on. That’s like saying I don’t care if the world burns. Stupidity abounds. Gandalf is just as stupidly arrogant and manipulative as dumbledork.
Guest chapter 9 . 4/20/2019
Another instance of Gandalf being arogant and dead wrong. In the books Saruman destroys the shire because he was not dealt with here. Age might breed wisdom. But it also gives arogance, blindness, being set in ones ways, being closed minded, and a refusal to admit ones wrongs. Gandalf like dumbledor has no business leading wars. Their decisions lead to more death and destruction.
Guest chapter 6 . 4/20/2019
Yep not even an apology for kidnapping him to fight in a war not his own. Good thing elves leave. Not sure any place needs immortal manipulative assholes fucking with peoples lives. Hope this Luna dies for her treachery.
Guest chapter 4 . 4/20/2019
And I’m out. Nothing but bullshit and pussy harry to see here. This is just bad writing all around. Well for the plot anyway. Harry needs to take any advice given with a huge grain of salt. They do not know his history, abilities etc. any orders given to him will be done in complete ignorance. And Harry was right, it wasnt his king, not his country. If a foreign king gave me an order and expected me to follow it, I’d laugh in his face. Of course, that might get me killed. But hey, I despise arogant people who think they can control others. I’m also not a wizard who can defend himself. Harry is being a pussy. Kings can be wrong. Kings don’t automatically get respected unless they earn it. And Théoden is an idiot.
Guest chapter 3 . 4/20/2019
Yep Luna the giant manipulative bitch. I think this story has a very shitty beginning.
Guest chapter 1 . 4/20/2019
First off. Snape. Anyone who likes snape in my opinion supports evil, bigotry, pettiness, obsessiveness, unfairness, and general assholery. Snape had almost zero positive traits whatsoever and the few he had, werent actually positive but a holdover from him obsessing over a dead woman he wanted to possess. Snape supporters are stupid people or naive women who think hed be perfect after they fix him. Morons one and all.
Second. Luna just destroyed any faith harry would have in her. She sucks at explanations and she is a pretty big bitch for doing this to Harry. No Luna love in this story. You destroyed her as a good person. Way to go evil author.
Third. Changing something in the story just cause you can with no explanations behind it is shitty writing. Crossing your arms and pouting makes me think that it’s shitty writing from a petulant child.
omh666 chapter 11 . 4/16/2019
I think they used "herb lore" in LotR.
TsukuyoGintoki chapter 18 . 1/28/2019
I lived this story
suziq968 chapter 18 . 1/13/2019
This was wonderful. Luna was sneaky, but she helped Harry so much on earth that I think he'll forgive her. Him being in middle earth saved so many, it's a shame he can't appreciate himself more. I can't decide if he'd be better off staying or going. He could still bring so much to middle earth (indoor plumbing!) but I don't know if he could be happy in the long run there, plus, what about Teddy. But I've always worried about how things went based on the crapilogue, he'd probably be happier in middle earth. Plus, explaining his disappearance would be a pain and he has probably been declared dead. I vote for middle earth.
NabikiB chapter 1 . 1/1/2019
Has it occurred to anyone else that Crouch, Sr., Crouch, Jr, Fudge and Amelia Bones are all former Hufflepuffs? Please think about which house is actually running the MoM...duffers my ass...
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