Reviews for Believing Is Seeing
Fear of Black chapter 1 . 12/9/2017
holy fuck. this was something positive that I cannot describe with just words. I love this!
Antina2000 chapter 8 . 12/30/2016
Soooooo is Jack human? Spirit? Or like, when Jack dies of old age, (or something) he turns back to the age he was when he drowned to be Jack Frost officially?
Stucky4Life chapter 8 . 9/5/2016
Aww this was so sweet! To be honest, I was expecting this to be kinda cheesy, but it was absolutely perfect!
Mystera II chapter 8 . 9/3/2016
Suyiro Motsuko chapter 8 . 6/30/2016
I've read this story twice now and it never ceases to make my heart flutter and makee smile. It's pure love and joy this. Every time I think of what they can have after: of someone seeing Jack kissing air, of the first time he visits the warren, their first time, and the simple matter of jack's mortality - I hope we get to know more some day but I'm happy daydreaming and rereading this to my heart's content! Thank you!
Ms.Spirit chapter 8 . 4/14/2016
Omygod your trying to kill me with your amazing skills and fanfic that makes my knees turn to jelly just like Jack's and god I swear you are an overachiever at it.
Yaoifangirl128 chapter 8 . 3/28/2016
Ooooooooh please please please! Make a sequel! I love this tons. It was amazing. I love love love it! Please consider making a short sequel or even a collection of one shots for this story would be cool too.
LDDW chapter 8 . 3/28/2016
I wanted to thank you for this fanfiction. It has been some times since I read your story and I always have the smile on my lips after every chapter. You are maybe going to find that is crasy, but in passing in front of in pharmacy recently, I found a magnificent carry soap in the shape of Easter egg. This egg has me then directly remind your fic and I bought it XD. I wanted just to share the anecdote.
Hopefully you will continue to write, good luck,
multyfangirl21 chapter 8 . 3/28/2016
BUT THERES SO MANY QUESTIONS LEFT! i demand a short sequel , but then again this was a bit short to no shorter the 6 chapters for the next one.
is Jack going to move in with Bunny? if so when? how is jack going to explain him disappearing for months at a time? will Jack turn into a spirit so he'll be able to stay with Bunny forever?
Painapple chapter 8 . 3/28/2016
This is precious, and perfect, and pure, and so chock-full of sugar that Tooth would get an aneurism.
I love it.
And I am damn sad to see it go. But this last chapter was great, and I'm glad this story got the ending it deserves.
Plus, I never thought I would say this about fictional (damn) characters, but I am jealous as all heck. Love always seems so easy in things like this. I just wish everyone could be that happy.

Anyways, keep up the fantastic work! I'm looking forward to future fics (or maybe full-on original works?) from you.

- Painapple
multyfangirl21 chapter 7 . 3/7/2016
Ah yes, now at this point now that he has a secret magical lover , being on an olimpic team that just won a gold isn't as fun as it was the day before. now that all he wants to do is to go with bunny and disappear with him for a few hours at the tiniest of time.
Sorry for not making the most sense. I'm about to go to bed
multyfangirl21 chapter 4 . 3/7/2016
Where does his family think Jack's getting the eggs?
SoullessBreath chapter 7 . 1/9/2016
This was amazing to read! I loved the eggs that jack got. Ugh this so so good to read. I'm glad that jack won a medal, and aw how cute are they together.
Thanks for such a brilliant story mate!
It was a beaut!
Adoringfanmorplz chapter 7 . 12/14/2015
Love this gives me warm feels glad to see some good stories I still haven't discovered yet please finish or something so many good storys have been left unfinished in this following I really want to read the end or as you hinted at the beginning love your creativity keep writing no matter the content
lunajen chapter 7 . 11/17/2015
Oh wow I'm in love with this story! Please update.
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