Reviews for A Little Bit of Trouble
queenisis2785 chapter 16 . 5/28
I'm Kagome and I'm really married to the real Lord Sesshomaru even though humans don't want to believe it. Izayoi surprisingly knows all about it and me
midnight darkness2012 chapter 38 . 2/20
Why did u stop? I am dying to know what happens!?
madmiko chapter 23 . 9/3/2019
He doesn't remember, but he was on his way to court her in the beginning. Nice. And she's already pregnant. LOL!
madmiko chapter 22 . 9/3/2019
Oh no! It's the end of the fun, flirty, affectionate Sesshoumaru! I'm going to miss him.
madmiko chapter 20 . 9/3/2019
I was so surprised that she made Inuyasha stay in the future!
madmiko chapter 19 . 9/3/2019
Nice! Sesshoumaru just walks into their house and announces that Kagome has been his wife for 500 years. Yeah, I think he wins.
madmiko chapter 18 . 9/3/2019
I'm so disappointed in Kagome's family. Looks like she ran into the future's Sesshoumaru. Was it him who told his much younger self to wait there at the well? Perhaps he can meet her family and make them see that he's a good guy.
madmiko chapter 17 . 9/3/2019
Okay, I'm having a little problem with her age. If four years have passed since she first came through the well and she found Inuyasha hanging on the Goshinboku, that would make her 19. Even at 17, she would already be in high school. And I can't believe her Grandfather and Souta would try to seal the well with Inuyasha on her side of time after she told them he had hit her. That's just trapping themselves with a dangerous half-demon. So, I am a bit wary about where this goes from here. I am hoping she finds a way back to the past and that fun, younger Sesshoumaru. _
madmiko chapter 16 . 9/3/2019
Glad Kagome let Sesshoumaru know how she feels before she goes home. We can't let those insecurities eat away at him.
madmiko chapter 14 . 9/3/2019
Inuyasha sure didn't learn his lesson from their break-up if he came back and forced himself on her and then hit her. I am guessing Sesshoumaru must have recognized his scent as being family since this version of Sesshoumaru had never met Inuyasha before. And he was still so much more powerful than him, even at this relatively young age. Go for it, Kagome!
madmiko chapter 13 . 9/3/2019
VERY intriguing chapter! So, he did eavesdrop on her conversation, and he knows his feelings won't change. That's good. I liked his impromptu hunt and the way he fought and killed the bear. Good job with that. And his inner beast revealed that he had loved her before, but wouldn't admit it. Nice! Also, she is the one who will have to bring him back to his normal state. Heck, if I were her, I wouldn't want to! LOL!
madmiko chapter 12 . 9/3/2019
Oh my! Inuyasha appears! Can't wait to see how this plays out!
madmiko chapter 10 . 9/3/2019
Too funny that he threw her in the lake and then jumped in! I really am loving this Sesshoumaru who appreciates her charms so much. Onward!
madmiko chapter 9 . 9/3/2019
Well, they progressed quickly, but really how could Kagome NOT be falling in love with him? Still, I hope his possessiveness isn't going to cause the same problem Inuyasha's did. They really do make a very appealing couple in this.
madmiko chapter 8 . 9/3/2019
Seriously, he really is too cute. _ And WAY too much like Miroku. LOL! I am so loving the way he takes of problems with her. Poor, poor Jaken. His Lord has to be falling so far in his estimation.
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