Reviews for Inheriting a New Prophecy Book 5 Censored
Noctus Of The Thousand Blades chapter 4 . 6/18
ooh, a harry potter centric fic that crosses over with both Dresden AND the Inheritance Cycle, now THAT could make for a fun read.

personally i think that the sequel series to Percy Jackson has potential. though i agree that the fact that it does not focus on Percy and Annabeth take a lot of the enjoyment out of the story.

so here is my thought. a sequel fic series, that follows the overall plot of the Heroes of Olympus books, but focuses on Harry/Percy.

the sequels do introduce us to the Roman aspects of the Olympians, and later to the other Pantheons as well. we learn that Annabeth has a half-brother or Cousin who is a Norse Demigod in one of those books. hence how we learn that the norse and egyptian pantheons are also real.

so there is still a lot of room for this fic series to grow.

just think about it.

and as always

than you for your time.
crazzyredhead chapter 1 . 1/31/2018
Great job I do hope we get more amazing job though
Kinjo2k01 chapter 4 . 12/21/2017
Great story as usual... I know your doing spider mage at the moment, but I would love to read more of this if you ever get the itch...
dragunpfeonyx chapter 4 . 11/6/2017
Das war Wow wow wowwwww...! Ich liebe deine geschichten ich hoffe du hörst nie nie auf zu schreiben denn dann würde der Fan Ficktion gemeinde einer ihrer besten velen
Rebmul chapter 4 . 3/5/2017
one would think hera would enjoyu seeing zues get owned I cant wait for him to fuck with her plans next time
Blazeb79 chapter 4 . 1/27/2017
Ugh hpfanfic went down ! I had to wait a day to finish . Lol great series , i really loved it! I plan on starting your other series as a result to your fine writing.
lordonyx348 chapter 4 . 12/8/2016
Thers no such thing as a positron, only protons and electrons(they're opposties)
AvidReader chapter 4 . 11/22/2016
So when will you make the next series for another great prophecy?
hellfire45 chapter 4 . 11/4/2016
Very good series I can't wait to see if you will do the HoO series
stevefocus chapter 4 . 9/10/2016
Great series, really hope you decide to do your own version of the HoO series. Thanks for all the effort you put into your stories.
IansInsane chapter 4 . 3/5/2016
Oh my god just so fucking amazing!
Love everything about this series and now I'm going to read the inheritance series.
WBH21C chapter 4 . 2/18/2016
So very well done!
MadelineT chapter 4 . 7/8/2015
I've read most of your series, and all of them are skillfully written. I particularly like this one, and I hope that now that the Heroes of Olympus series is finished, that you will write another HP crossover with that one, as a sort of continuation of this. And maybe you'll think about writing on with the Kane Chronichles or the upcoming Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard? Gosh, I hope so. I follow you, so we'll see. Great work, and you're a very skilled writer!
crazzyredhead chapter 4 . 1/25/2015
great chapter I wish there was more to it... It is so good
Pavel.Fr chapter 4 . 11/28/2014
I loved this series! I'm sad to see it over, for now at least.
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