Reviews for Like Brothers
beta vulgaris chapter 36 . 4/1
i did not deserve these TEARS in the last chapter. i wasn't expecting it to go this far. and it was heartbreaking. but i loved it. and i especially loved the way it ended, and the way it handled the deaths of dally and johnny- how dally in particular was always hanging over steve's head. this last one was beautiful. thank you so much, much love.
Guest chapter 1 . 2/23/2019
I think this is one of the best stories I have read. Steve has grown on me as a character and a human being.
lanalight1 chapter 3 . 3/7/2018
lulusgardenfli chapter 36 . 4/5/2017
WOW. I really don't have enough superlatives for this story or your writing. It might be kind of odd to get a review a couple of years after you wrote this story, but I’ve recently gone on an Outsiders binge, read this story and was floored, so here goes ;)

I read the entire story in one sitting, which is why I don't really have a 'review' for individual chapters, but there are so many things that stand out:
First and foremost the characterizations and character details: I’m a sucker for details, and you put a lot of thought and understanding of these characters into your writing: Darry's "manly" sobbing after his parents die, Steve "jokingly" punching Pony in the arm when he was a kid (and Pony giving it right back to him) ;). The lopsided grin Pony (or should I say, Soda, Jr.) gives to Steve when Steve offers to give him his switchblade when he fights Derek. Even the tiniest details like Steve and Soda shaking hands over Bonnie's head when Soda comes back from Vietnam are in character and so vivid I can picture it in my head.
I could go on, but needless to say this has sort of become my default cannon. ;)

I’ve always found Soda to be such an interesting character, a mixture of wildness & vulnerability, and when you add the Vietnam War to the mix, tragedy. He’s also someone who Darry, Pony, Steve, and in your cannon, Lily, would probably all say, with justification, is the person they are closest to in the world. While on a purely selfish level the writing and characterizations are so good I would love to see an omniscient POV to see everyone’s inner thoughts (particularly what was going on with Pony when Soda moved in to his room when he had his night terrors and how their mended their relationship in the aftermath of Soda’s PTSD), I enjoyed reading Steve’s POV. While it can sometimes be a hit or miss, in this story at least, I though the use of second person through Steve’s POV worked really well.

I thought the most intriguing relationship you developed was between Pony & Steve. I've always wondered how Steve & Pony's relationship would evolve after the events in the book. I like how you still maintained some ambiguity in the relationship even as they both grew older. Steve is both loyal to Pony (even if mostly out of loyalty to Soda) while still finding him annoying (although I’d imagine that this is mostly driven by old habits and jealously). The chapter where Pony fights Derek at the party was particularly well done in exploring their relationship. And the ending, “You dig okay too kid”-whispered of course, with the door close, was absolutely perfect.

I thought it was interesting how Steve realized right away that he and Darry were connected by the fact that they both loved Soda more than they even loved themselves, but he seemed more reluctant (Steve can be very stubborn!) to see that same connection between him and Pony.
I love your Steve, Soda, and your OCs like Lily, even walk on characters like Theresa & Riley Mathews seem like real people. But I thought your take on Pony is particularly fantastic, especially your take on a slightly older Pony.

The entire piece is excellent, but some chapters particularly stand out: Pony & Steve at Two-Bit’s ruined birthday party, Soda getting Steve a car when he turned 13, Twitch’s death. That imagine of Soda holding his hand as he died is some of the best pieces of writing I’ve come across.
Violet Saphira Darling chapter 36 . 1/10/2016
I didnt know what to expect of this last chapter especially since the previous chapter seemed pretty final to me, but I was wrong. This is the perfect ending! Feels so good to see a young Dally and a whole Johnny :') Very emotional and touching ending that just feels so right.
Lol at Dallys comments, hes the best.
I love the flashbacks to those moments where Soda was happy that Steve was happy. Absolutely beautiful story of brothers, friendship, and family. Congratulations on finishing! Thank you for your stunning work.
Guest chapter 36 . 12/29/2015
Sad to see this end, but I have a huge smile on my face. A nice fitting end to this wonderful wonderful story. Loved how you explored and showed me all these different faucets to Steve and Soda's brotherhood. An awesome read!
7.06andcounting chapter 36 . 12/28/2015
Oh. Oh my.
When you got them well into adulthood I figured this would have to go all the way, but this was an interesting twist on the deathbed scene I imagined.
Love Dallas, attitude and all (would it be anyone's Heaven, if Dallas turned sweet and mild?!) But the little thing that knocked me out was the 60 year old sneakers, such a great detail to include. (And the kid with the bad haircut - if your stats are a little hop-skippy, I had to go right back to the beginning, to see them as kids again. Just to clear the dust out of my eye...)

What I admire is that the humor of the teenagers-again banter weaves in and out of the important stuff. Back to that first date with Evie: '"You can't blow off your girl for Soda," Dallas says.' And of course, this story has always been about those two constants in Steve's life, Soda and Evie.
Steve's pretty hard on himself, when he compares himself to Soda:
'You weren't often happy and maybe that's weighed on him especially when he was always so Goddamn cheery himself. He loves you so much that he would rather you be reunited with Evie than keep you here for himself...he has always been a better person than you.' I'm really glad that you gave Soda the chance to reaffirm that they aren't actually 'like brothers.' They ARE brothers.

The style and tone of this fic have always been so clear, so strong. So Steve. It is one of my favorite ever.
Guest chapter 36 . 12/27/2015
Best story I ever read I believes every single word...true friendship
Guest chapter 36 . 12/27/2015
Thank you
mycookiegirl chapter 36 . 12/27/2015
That was so sad but beautiful all the same. Brilliant story :)
Fosterchild chapter 36 . 12/27/2015
Bravo! What a ride! And thank you for it! This story will stay with me. ️️️
erse9 chapter 36 . 12/27/2015
Aww... This was the sweetest. Thank you. I truly have enjoyed this story.
Zarak chapter 36 . 12/26/2015
This was a great story I love the last chapter I had tears in my eyes as I was reading it
afluffykiwi chapter 36 . 12/26/2015
oh man, I have to say I'm pretty emotional about this ending. I've re-read it multiple times, because it's really well written and the characterizations for everyone was fantastic. Thank you so much for writing such an amazing story!
bookwriter123456 chapter 36 . 12/26/2015
Oh my God do you want me to cry? To late. I'm crying. THE TITLE, SO THAT IS WHAT IT MEANS! OH MY GOSH I'M FREAKING OUT! My I congratulate you on that wonderful, tearful, ending? If I wasn't so obsessed, this would be the total end in of my outsiders fanfiction obsession (and let me tell you, it would be the perfect ending). I can so imagine this happening! The emotions! The perfect character descriptions! Amazing writing! Defiantly on of the most brilliant fanfictions I will ever read. I am so glad I got on board with this story!'And the fandom! Will you continue writing for this fandom? I sincerely hope you do, and you can count on me to read others. Gosh, I'm so sad it ended though ): I guess stories DO have to come to an ending...
I like what you did with him seeing Dallas and them going though Soda' s memories. There was absolutely no OCCness in this fanfic. I am very sad I will not see this on my alerts again):
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