Reviews for Lost and Found
souls guardian chapter 2 . 5/11/2019
Sayaka, you have no idea what its like for hitomi, thought I guess its not your fault cause you're grief spiraling, you and madoka have been drifting away from her. if you die she becomes suicidal
lkazuchi chapter 19 . 3/2/2017
You guys are giving sadism a new meaning. And I love that ! If both Sayaka and Kyouko get the ability to read each other's mind at any moment ... I can t wait to see these two destroying themselves.
lkazuchi chapter 11 . 2/20/2017
I swear that if you stopped after the 11th chapter, I wouldn't be able to accept that it was finished. It just can t stop like that ! That would be too hard for them, for us readers ...
I don t have much to say for this first part, it was almost perfect.
You better not stop the second part in a similar way ยท.
Guest chapter 20 . 2/4/2017
Have them escape and maybe have sayaka turn back to normal but she remembers everything that happened and then she gets all embarrassed and remembers the stuff Kyoko said then they tease each other. That would be super cute.
Ks chapter 20 . 2/4/2017
I want sayaka and Kyoko to kissssss!
SkinNYmini chapter 19 . 1/3/2017
OMG this story is my most favorite story on this site and thank God your back. Please let Kyoko and sayaka hook up soon. It's legit killing me and poor Kyoko and sayaka both deserve it. And Damn that twist tho! That's actually very smart and seems like that's exactly how it went. Poor Kyoko.
Guest chapter 17 . 7/24/2016
This story has been amazing so far. Please keep up the good work and damn can sayaka and kyoko just bone already? Lol the sexual tension is real. And please dont hurt my precious girls so much
BloodPokemon101 chapter 5 . 7/23/2016
Whoa! Now, Homura just sounds like an obsessive, perverted stalker. Which isn't far from canon counterpart, by any means, except for the 'pervert' part.
Random Guy chapter 9 . 7/11/2016
OOC! Major OOC! This isn't the soft side of Kyoko, this ISN'T Kyoko!
bren-walters chapter 14 . 1/17/2016
Please continue! I just found this 3
Waywardneko chapter 13 . 9/26/2015
Ah This was a great chapter!
Sorry it took so long, better late than never, I suppose!
I enjoyed the part where Sayaka was in Kyokos soul quite a bit!
And now that Madoka has made her wish, things are going to get even more complex.
The two of you are quite good with details and dialogue. I wonder where this will lead next!
Thanks for the read,

The Waywardneko :3
magicalgay chapter 4 . 6/25/2015
(This is Kyousaya, back together, and I'm never going down at the hands of the likes of you cause I'm so much better,)

Interesting story concept so far! It gets a teensy bit confusing since the POV is first person and also constantly switching around (or maybe I'm just a ditz o.o) The text might flow a bit smoother as well if you separate dialogue from paragraphs, and handled onomatopoeia more like "She sighed" instead of putting "*sigh*" But other than that, looks good! I'm only at chapt. 4, but kudos to you for really writing a long one! (Who needs sleep when there's fanfic to read...)
Waywardneko chapter 12 . 6/23/2015
Hello again!
This is a great chapter!
All the tension and emotions were great! I really liked the dialogue.
I do wonder what you two are going to do next.

Thanks for the wonderful read,
The Waywardneko
Waywardneko chapter 11 . 6/8/2015
Ah! I finished!
This is very nice, again the exposition is wonderful and all this suspense at the end is a great cliffhanger!
You two characterized this very nicely! The part where they are crying and hugging is really well done also!
So we are almost at the end, hmm? I do wonder what you will do next.
As always, thank you for the wonderful read,

~The Waywardneko
Gulim chapter 11 . 5/24/2015
That was gonna be the end!? Well I'm happy you're continuing it, I really enjoy this story and look forward to the next chapter.
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