Reviews for Nice To Meet You
SHIELD Agent Hero chapter 3 . 3/17
Omg, I laughed so hard trough this, would love if you kept going in the future. This was a great read :D
Spidersauce chapter 3 . 12/16/2019
Skye wins the adorable rewards.
Wish you'd write more
Guest chapter 3 . 12/5/2019
hahahahaha this is too good to be true.
IrisLynx chapter 3 . 8/6/2019
6-year-old Skye is adorable :)
Aoife chapter 3 . 6/15/2019
This is really good, and sooo cute! Little Skye is adorable! Do you think you'll write anymore, maybe one with Natasha?
HisSecretLover18 chapter 1 . 3/16/2018
I hope one day you decide to finish this amazing story.
Shootingstar7123 chapter 3 . 10/30/2017
I love this! I wish there was more of it.
FireRebel chapter 3 . 7/5/2017
Wait whaaaaaaat?! How have I not left a comment?! Like what the actual heck? I've read this so so many times. I love this story even though it's not finished I love it. I've gotten to the point where I even know the authors notes by heart haha. Okay that's WEIRD.

I came by to read again and I was thinking so this was updated two years ago on my birthday. IF possible I'd be really really super cool to have it updated this year on my birthday. Oh hey! Come to think of it is that where the Harry Potter inspiration came from. Since July 31st is HP & JK Rowling's birthday? Maybe.

Anyways a couple of ideas on where to go. If you wanted Skye to meet Thor she could help him with social cues and such. I can practically see her saying things like "no silly you have to do it /this/ way" especially as an odd kid she might relate to Thor or connect with him. Or like with Steve she'd show him around and introduce him to things he doesn't know whether that's stuff like food. I can see the two of them eating ice cream and pop tarts together and then running around on a rampage where anyone else would panic over high energy Skye but Thor is like "YEAHHH LETS GO SMALL HUMAN". Or Thor could talk to Skye about the stars and outer space that'd be super cute.

If you wanted to do Natasha you could do some fun stuff like Skye liking tomboyish stuff but being told she should play with dolls or something and Natasha is all like "no we're gonna do this our way" and screw gender rolls and such . Or the reverse where she wants to learn ballet but people say it's Too girly and then Natasha is like "but look at these badass things I can do. I learned how to dance to do them " which I'm not sure entirely her backstory but I mean you could probably tie it in anyways.

Um um if she wanted to meet Tony she could be the "genius" that she is. But she's still only 6 so she'll grasp some things really really well and others she just doesn't or the reasoning is off and Tony is like "hahaha I'm smarter than you" which then everyone points out that Skye is only a child.

Or you don't have to continue at all ever. But if you do there are some fun ideas. Also sorry for never commenting I'm serious I've read this so many times I don't know why I didn't comment. So sorry.
SarahAmber chapter 3 . 11/29/2016
Can I continue this story
KingKage73 chapter 3 . 12/22/2015
skye is so cute
Guest chapter 3 . 12/3/2015
I hope Natasha is next! I really wanna know how they reacted
guhgiog08e9rhiogoiheg98whgiogo chapter 3 . 10/27/2015
Great story so far, looking forward to more!
Guest chapter 2 . 10/22/2015
scifigrl10 chapter 3 . 9/10/2015
I absolutely love this story and was so delighted to see an update. I really hope you update again soon!
The Stray Angel Escaped chapter 3 . 8/13/2015
i love it update please x)
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