Reviews for Evolution, Tony Style
chemmom4 chapter 10 . 7/31/2014
Excellent story. Loved all the introspection and interactions.
elenya-grace chapter 5 . 7/2/2014
Oh my goodness, I cannot believe that I haven't seen this story until now. I absolutely love it! I just rewatched SWAK and this chapter is brilliant!
You absolutely made my day!
ladyaloysius chapter 10 . 6/28/2014
Hi Dixie!
I love your a Here and Now series! Def Tony/Gibbs father/son best
Good analysis of Tony and Gibbs growth, Gibbs too whether he admits it or not!️️
accounting professional chapter 10 . 6/25/2014
Great chapter. I loved the flashback. Please keep them coming.
angelscatie chapter 10 . 6/23/2014
Great ending.
Guest chapter 1 . 6/22/2014
Dear Dixie Dewdrop I am sorry I have not reviewed the other chapters in this story but as far as I am concerned it is one of the best you have written, I always look forward to your stories. I enjoy and get such pleasure reading them. Please keep writing you are a wonderful writer and I appreciate all the hard work you put into your stories. Please keep writing. Sincerely Judy
torontogirl12 chapter 10 . 6/22/2014
Great story. Loved every minute of it.
KrisShannon chapter 10 . 6/22/2014
This has been an amazing story. I felt bad for Gibbs when he realized he had not checked in on Tony before leaving the hospital, only to find out he was so horribly sick. Then to be met with such anger from Dr. Pitt when he returns to the hospital to be with Tony... if only the good doctor knew the cause of Gibbs' actions and where his 'headspace' had been, he would have understood it would take something so drastic to cause Gibbs to not be focused on Tony for a moment. Also, Gibbs did almost drown himself, that, in and of itself could cause a person to be disoriented for a while after. I am just glad Dr. Pitt listened to Gibbs and let him in with Tony.

I loved how Gibbs woke to the sounds of Tony rummaging around in the kitchen and the banter between the two. I also loved how Gibbs told Tony that he is proud of him. That is something Tony needs to hear often. Leroy Jethro Gibbs... the best dad Tony and Abby could ever have! Once again you have outdone yourself, Dixie! Thank you for sharing your writing with us!
shygirl377 chapter 10 . 6/22/2014
AWESOME! usual!
binkeybella chapter 10 . 6/21/2014
oh my gosh, what a great chapter. I always hated hated hated the fact that Tony went through all that for Gibbs and Maddie, and all the writers cared about was making Maddie into a new Kelly for Gibbs. As if she had ever done all the things for him that Tony had, and all of a sudden she's his long-lost foster daughter, and Tony's - well, Tony's nowhere to be seen. Just another day at the office for DiNozzo. I soooo wish scenes exactly like this would be written for the show, even every once in a while. Gibbs could find it in his wiring to treat Abby and Ziva like his 'girls', and Tim like a his boy, and the redheaded stepchild. Or like Michael Weatherly stated so well, the idiot over in the corner.
Thanks for another wonderful chapter, can't wait for the next.
NickTonyK chapter 10 . 6/21/2014
Great! Glad to have Tony checking in on Gibbs!
NCIS fan chapter 10 . 6/21/2014
Very nice conclusion! I think that Gibbs will have to repeat that sentiment many times before Tony really accepts it, though.

One (hopefully constructive!) criticism:

If Tony's lungs were so bad that he "normally gets winded running a quarter of a block", there's no way he could qualify to keep his field agent status. Maybe you could rewrite that sentence to read something like "Tony performed that miracle with the same lungs [that are still] compromised from Ypestis!"

Loved the story, and am looking forward to your next one!
Angusina chapter 10 . 6/21/2014
Great love the fact he called him son at the end.
Long Live BRUCAS chapter 10 . 6/21/2014
Another great one. The end with Gibbs calling Tony son and saying he makes Gibbs proud was so sweet.
reader82 chapter 10 . 6/21/2014
At least Gibbs understands what a mistake he made. Pitt was amazing. I hope Tony wakes up soon. Can't wait for it.
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