Reviews for The Definition of Appropriate
deniselynne1966 chapter 1 . 1/16/2016
I never knew the original script was rumored to be Chakotay rather than Jaffen. Why didn't they do this? I loved this so much~
Beawild chapter 1 . 11/8/2014
Did Kathryn learned to cook on Quarra? Cute story. It would have been interesting if it had been Chakotay instead of Jaffen who she paired with on Quarra. How would they have handled their relationship once back on Voyager?
murphycat chapter 1 . 10/15/2014
Adorable story. It SHOULD have been this script.
kasiaeliza chapter 1 . 7/30/2014
Great ;) Especially this: "I love you" - "go to work" :)
bluefirefly5 chapter 1 . 5/21/2014
This is how it should have happened in that episode.
Rascal207 chapter 1 . 5/18/2014
I like it! It's plausible and I always wondered how this scenario would unfold. As not being too keen on Jaffen, I'd have preferred seeing the J/C couple in "Workforce" truth be told.

Lovely story, I enjoyed it very much!
Hazmatt chapter 1 . 5/14/2014
Amazing story! I really enjoyed it! Incredible!
Jaxa chapter 1 . 5/13/2014
Very nice. Never heard that rumor that Chakotay was supposed to be "Jaffen"... ah TPTB just can't give us our fun.
Mrs. Singing Violin chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
This was beautiful. Brought tears to my eyes. And the bit of humor at the end was just what was needed to prevent it from concluding on a maudlin note. Nicely done. Will there be more?
Carrie L chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
Mary S - I'm so glad you brought that up! The first version I wrote went only to the #, so it ended with Chakotay miserable and Janeway looking like an ice demon. I couldn't leave it that way, and I came to the conclusion that this is the real reason they couldn't pair up J/C on Quarra. Either J/C would have to get together on Voyager afterward, or Janeway would have to insist that they go back to their previous professional relationship. I think there was understandable resistance to having the first female captain also be the first to establish an intimate relationship with one of her crew (although they could have done it in Endgame, bozos). And if she'd cut him off after they'd enjoyed the sort of relationship she had with Jaffen, I think the audience would have held it against her big time. After seven years, it would have been too cruel. It would have made her look borderline psychotic, because in the end, Chakotay's right. Appropriate is situational. So I wrote that.
Mary S chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
I am of two minds about this story - not that I didn't enjoy it because I did, happy ending and all. And I do like happy endings. But what I'm wondering is - if TPTB had stuck to the original idea, which you took up, but instead of the happy ending had Janeway stick to being 'the captain', what kind of ending it would have made. Angst coming out your ears, certainly, but the actors would have a field day with it, making it into something truly memorable.
Your characterizations are excellent and you certainly convey the depth of emotion without falling into melodrama. But... I just wonder what it would have been.

Ah well, a good read, thank you.
deborahgar2009 chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
Cute story. I do wish they would have written this story with Chakotay and Kathryn together on Quarra.
LongLiveLaura chapter 1 . 5/12/2014
I've never heard the rumor that Kathryn's love interest in "Workforce" was supposed to be Chakotay - why, oh why couldn't the PTB give us at LEAST that?! It would have been the perfect "out" for them: we'd get to see their relationship come to fruition and then they could wipe it all away with the return of the characters' memories. Man, that would have been epic.

Thank you for showing us what might have been. I enjoyed this story for all its possibility.

Well done.