Reviews for The FanFiction Guide to Fanfiction
Guest chapter 1 . 4/14/2018
Reported for non story entry.
Qwertywerido chapter 11 . 7/19/2017
Question: Can you use Stalker mode in the entire story and change POV in the next Chapter
Qwertywerido chapter 13 . 8/26/2016
This is going to help me so much, thank you for writing this.
Qwertywerido chapter 1 . 8/26/2016
Just a question, the Percy jackson series is very popular but each book's title is quite a mouthful for example, Percy Jackson and the Lost Olympian. It's the same with the Harry potter series.
Cheorkee rememberer gamer98 chapter 1 . 5/23/2016
Well now I know where I went wrong in my stories and how I handle certain aspects of this site. (To be honest I always kinda felt something was off.) Thank you very much for doing a public service for this entire website.

Patriotic music and saluting commences.
Ariadne Fowl chapter 1 . 12/15/2014
So far, I love this! Someday I would like to post a story, and this will really help! Thankyou, and I can't wait to read more stories by you! :)

-Ariadne Fowl
Great T'Phon chapter 10 . 12/10/2014
I could've just read this and skipped grades 1-5 English.
creamtherabbit77 chapter 13 . 12/10/2014
I'll have to disagree with you on one point in here. To use the House of Hades as an example again, the climax is the seven and Percy and Annabeth were doing all the fighting, and the falling action is the picnic scene. This is what my English teacher has been drilling into my head since the first day of school.
ObsessedwReading chapter 1 . 12/10/2014
Great job writing this. This has already helped me tremendously. Thank you for all of the advice.
Id65 chapter 2 . 12/10/2014
While I'm not very new to fanfiction, since I'm bored and love these sorts of things I began to read it. Back in the old days (AKA January,) I would always 'Divergent it!' with my story descriptions. That sort of thing draws a certain kind of reader, but I've changed most of them since then to be more-well more like normal summaries, because it produces more readers. (Plus, y'know actually having an inkling on how to write helps.)
Electronic Ink 0 chapter 12 . 12/7/2014
Electronic Ink 0 chapter 10 . 12/7/2014
Grammar: The difference between knowing your sh*t and knowing you're sh*t. lol. This guide is so helpful!
Nik1627 chapter 12 . 10/28/2014
Thanks! I should totally start prewriting now on coz everytime I start I'll be blank where to and sometimes I even forget a few things that I would want to write! Thanks!
creamtherabbit77 chapter 12 . 10/26/2014
Man, I wish everyone I've ever edited for would commit this page to memory. Thanks again for the wonderful advice!
7701DeathlyHalfBloodPrincess chapter 2 . 10/26/2014
1) The seven missed their youthful days. The days where there were no monsters to fight, and the days where they could pretend that they were, you know, normal. Maybe, that's why the seven decided to tell stories of happier days.

2) Gaea was asleep, everyone was content. Yes, they suffered from losses, but they were all alive. Unfortunately, it doesn't stay that way. Tension and arguments heat up between the Greeks and Romans when they find their fellow comrades murdered. The stakes rise for the demigods when they realise that another war could be on the horizon.

I decided not to add the rating and stuff, because I just find it uneccesary since it'll be at the category thingie..
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