Reviews for The Lost Civilization: DLC
ArmorOfGeddon chapter 25 . 12/6/2018
It was certainly interesting... but you'd think the whole "stealing books" issue would explode in their faces rather badly. All it takes is accusations of stealing secrets, or personal information, or the people who make money selling books demanding compensation (which they should), and it could easily turn into a political and economic nightmare.
ArmorOfGeddon chapter 17 . 12/5/2018
I'm a little confused. Didn't Ellie and Levin meet that one archer who told them about a miniature Uragaan that some noble's daughter wanted captured? He even explained that he had mistaken it for a Rhenopolos at first, and later on they heard that someone had captured it after fighting the Rathian with the blue flame. So they should already know it's possible for an Uragaan to get that small.
Guest chapter 15 . 2/22/2018
Hey, it's that one Globul that nibbled Pugnax! Best Globul there ever was.
dragon - wolf - thing chapter 15 . 10/4/2017
*crawls out of shell*
Oh my. I used to hate fighting Gobul in Tri, but after reading this it's become one of my favourite monsters!
I love your writing, you have some way of making it all feel 'balanced'. :D
In that other chapter- the one with the powerful guy from the crystal- his death felt really... fast. Any other time I would call that a bad thing but I've read so much fanfiction that it's actually pretty refreshing seeing the big bad guy die real quick
I hope I'm not giving you any ideas... I've grown attached to this dang Gobul. I wanna see him eat someone :p

Sorry for my lack of review-writing skills although I'm sure you don't mind anyway bye
*crawls back into shell*
Zakeraz chapter 15 . 5/26/2017
With Generations out now, you can say you made a Deviant monster before it was cool. Not only is Goliath a great name for this fun, lovable fish, it would also work great as the deviant name: Goliath Gobul! It rolls off the tongue so well.

What is this blue orange fish at the end of the chapter though? Is it something I'm supposed to recognize? I hope it didn't hurt Goliath.
Guest chapter 24 . 5/22/2017
Oh, Rena. You are just a treat. Heine seems to know how much of a lucky dog he is. It's great seeing the two of them again. Gecko, you do this borderline smut so well. While I haven't seen this armor Levin will be getting, I figure another good choice would be the Kirin set of assless chaps. Note to self, look up the set Ellie mentioned. I like their interactions as usual and completely agree with Ellie's opinion that women ought to get an equal measure of eye candy armor too. Heheheh.
Zakeraz chapter 23 . 5/21/2017
I like this sassy side of the Alatreon. The second conversation with him was especially amusing. Would have loved to see more of it in TLC proper. Perhaps I can hope for a cameo in the sequel. Given their skills, I think the Bullfango and Rhenoplos cores deserve promotions to Bulldrome and Rhenodrome.
Would you still recommend reading Hawk's stories despite this being my first exposure to York? Heh York, shame he didn't get to hear if he was in New York City during Levin's memories in the human core.
The Alone sure made for an interesting boss fight, especially if it really was the Equal Dragon Weapon like I suspect. Poor thing, not getting to pass on like it wants. I think the Cleric Beast theme from Bloodborne would be a good song for that fight or something from Dark Souls maybe. Seems fitting for their matching Eldritch Abomination themes. The writing for the fight didn't seem all that different from your usual style. Seems you and Hawk do things fairly similarly. The only thing that sticks out in hindsight is more use of mounting the monster.
The endings were nice and heartwarming. Seems fitting having Levin and York forgetting most of their adventures, by it seems like it would still work to have them both remember the full experience. Can you explain why you decided to have them forget?
Zakeraz chapter 21 . 5/21/2017
The two dragon gems first had me expecting some Freaky Friday-like body swapping shenanigans between Levin and York but this is good too. The idea that the Alatreon found peace after death was surprisingly heartwarming. I don't know if I'll be reading Hawk's series all the way through. I read about two chapters and the way characters' lines aren't separated into individual paragraphs makes it cumbersome to read. Besides, between your series and Shingetsumoon's Princes of Fire series, that might be enough MonHun stories for me. For now at least. Had a good chuckle when Ellie and Levin thought about what raising Raths might be like. Oh if only they knew. It's fun to think both stories take place in the same world but in different countries that are far enough apart that the practice of monster taming hasn't spread to Theron. I wonder how well Levin, Ellie, and the gang would get along with Alistair, Rain, Amai, and their respective monsters.
Zakeraz chapter 9 . 5/20/2017
Heine and Rena had a great dynamic going. Although, I've seen the catty woman, shy man dynamic before. A shame that it's one of those male/female dynamics that comes off with unfortunate implications if the gender roles are reversed, sort of like Ellie and Levin's dynamic. It makes me wonder how much fun it would be if the man would be just as catty in return. The payoff at the end between the two was adorable and so worth all that trouble.
And way to turn a person into such a monster. I was expecting a Gore Magala out of that crystal, but what we got was so much worse.
Pixelsaber chapter 26 . 4/12/2017
Feels like its been years since I last read one of these.

That's an interesting system they have in place, very frugal and effective. Though, I'd suck if one were partway through a good book and it was "borrowed" for a couple weeks or so. Not to mention people might not be able to wait for it to be returned if they're just passing by...

Pre-existing and expansive underground caverns... interesting. *Takes out theory notes*

Ah, so many book titles. Reminds me that I've yet to finish a few of those, despite having copies... or well, at least I think they're still around here somewhere. Nice to see the world has been graced with at least two of H.G. Wells' works.

Heh, The Kama Sutra. I have to wonder why one of the lost knew enough of it to make a copy, or just so happened to have one on his person when he was crystallized.

At first I thought Matagot was going to be a dog, considering felynes didn't like him. I've always wondered what other stuff some lost might've brought with them, but a pet never crossed my mind.

Alright, unto chapter 26 now...

I'm calling it now before I continue reading, those hunters are going to fail the quest...

Bram's acting rather nonchalantly about his experimental mishap. He seems to be living up to the family's reputation more and more by the chapter.

HAH! I just knew they'd mess it up! My guess is a Deviljho showed up and they all booked it out of there faster than a G-rank Baggi on dash juice.

Certainly enjoying BoTW, though I wish I had the time to really sink my teeth into it. It's certainly been a very fruitful few months for games. I've had my eye on a bunch of them, but I've held back on purchasing them since I know I won't be able to play them.

Great couple of chapters! Hopefully I can get around to reading the newest chapters of Charon and SoTP tomorrow.
Have a nice day!
HyperBrachydios chapter 26 . 3/11/2017
I once had a team of four, I think one was even in G-rank, fail at a low rank steak delivery quest and to this day I don't quite know how.
Can't really get any of those games at the minute as there's the Nonary Games coming out on Steam as well as UDG on Steam sometime in the near future, so not gonna get any games that I can't finish at the minute, but at least I've got the NDRV3 english translations to keep me company while I wait.
I should probably start leaving more reviews, seeing as how as how I always forget to.
But yeah your stories are pretty good I like reading them, basically.
Tincanman123 chapter 25 . 2/23/2017
I've been reading the "Lost-verse" stories since chapter 1 of The Lost Civilization (though I've only gotten an account this year).

These are some really good fics btw, and if you don't mind I'd like to make a suggestion for a chapter:

If you haven't done it already, how about doing a dlc chapter based on the "Uniqlo: Hunt for Inspiration" event quest for MH4U, featuring everyone's favorite Felyne supremacist, but you could set it up as him hazing the new recruits to his own branch of the guild.

Their name? The Prowlers.

I don't really expect it to happen before you finish Shadows, but it's still something to keep in mind (assuming you don't already have plans for that quest, or have done something for it without me noticing, and assuming that he survives you fic).
book typewriter chapter 25 . 2/18/2017
Guess who? So this chapter made me smile a bit. While the cat was nice (any dogs still floating about by chance?), it was "Frankenstein" being labeled as a medical book that got me laughing. A bit strange I know but we all know it's a horror story more than anything else. Although considering SOME of the scientists in our supposed far flung future...well maybe science will go too far. Putting that aside, nice collection of stories for the record. Books are meant to be read after all. I wonder how this world would react to "All Quiet on the Western Front"...probably disgusted at what our history was. We don't exactly have dragons to distract us from blowing each other apart these days now do we?

Book Typewriter
Guest chapter 24 . 4/22/2016
Holy Mother of God this story was amazing. I was doing some google searches into MH Lore regarding the Equal Dragon Weapon (which you chose to be one of "the Alone"), came across this, started reading, and like any epic novel I couldn't stop.

MH doesn't have much of a plot on its own, but fanfictions of THIS quality easily make up for it.

The story was absolutely flawless (even though some parts of one character & her son's dialogue was VERY hard to understand, I saw that to be intentional warping of dialogue to express accent in their voices. I haven't seen anyone really do that all that much before, so its pretty creative), and hopefully you're writing many more.

Thank You for this masterpiece, and good luck to you on future endeavors with Fanfictions.
jeffreyfloyd112 chapter 24 . 2/11/2016
Aaaaaah! This came out a while ago and I'm just now reviewing it! I mean to earlier, but gaaaah! Okay got that out of my system. Well this chapter was certainly interesting, that Nargacuga armor sure can turn heads huh? Ellie does make a fair point, the materials you gain and so little armor. Strange isn't it? I'm sure with the Narga armor, and Levin's upcoming Dober armor, things might get a bit, interesting, between them at home. Seriously when I saw the Dober armor I had to double check that that's actually how it looked when it was complete. Good times. Rena and Heine! They return (Although I didn't expect them to do so in this manner)! Glad that they end up moving in together, although organizing all that equipment may take a while, although I suppose Rena will be the one moving them for the most part. I must say, I can only imagine how many times Heine got distracted while overlooking the armor. Ah Narga armor, the things you bring about. For those two, next comes marriage (Yeeeesss), and we'll see them in the future. A very amusing chapter. Looking forward to more of Heine and Rena (Also Cait if he comes back), and for more chapters of TLC:DLC and SoP. Take care, be well!
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