Reviews for Playing the Long Odds
Ty chapter 1 . 6/29/2019
Please write the battle scene
Yogurt Bread chapter 7 . 1/31/2018
BlushLouise chapter 7 . 10/17/2017
Ages since you wrote it, but I have to write this anyway.
I love this. Instant favorite.
Thank you.
Chibi Tenshi Sama chapter 7 . 12/6/2016
It's amazing to think that this fic has already been up for a couple of years now, but I've reread it so many times. It never loses its entertainment value. I remember waiting with bated breath, checking back religiously waiting for updates (Kind of like how I'm doing now for Third Wheel .)

Keep up the good work!

IvoryCrawler chapter 7 . 8/11/2014
Aw! It's so sweet!
Echoed Memory chapter 7 . 7/29/2014
All I can say is a big fat Thank You!

It's obvious that you spent an inordinate amount of time crafting this fict, but you also Invested a great deal in developing it. It definitely shows. I haven't read one so well written, with characters so well intact and represented, but also understandable.

I know you said You hated this, but I can say I love it. It is very well done and my only complaint would be the brevity of seven chapters in length. But that is more because you left off at the beginning of what would have been a fun relationship to watch grow along with the character interactions with the members of the arc as the busybodies got dragged along for the ride.

I immensely enjoyed how it flushed out the characters with the right mixture of 'life' Interjected with personable reactions sprinkled with humor. This small fict is a great show of your Immense writing talent and the small details you managed to write were particularly juicy and a simple delight.

So, thank you. This was a definite treat. I wish for your future inspiration to continue your craft and success.

Ps. I wouldn't mind if you wrote another fict with this pair or continued with a sequel! ;)
ghost-writer-88 chapter 7 . 7/18/2014
This was such a delightful story. So very realistically believable with the perfect amount of smexy romanticism. Every chapter kept me on the edge of my seat in anticipation of what would happen next. So perfect.
Allsparkchild chapter 7 . 7/12/2014
Wonderful. Well written, and so not what expected when I first started reading. Wonderful surprise.
PrimalScreamer chapter 7 . 7/11/2014
An amazing fic! As your comment attested, quite realistic in portraying a growing relationship. The finale there was incredible in ways I can't even articulate! Characterization felt spot on to me as well. The scene on the beanbag couch had me giggling. Such a reminder of those awkward teen dates, haha.
Guest chapter 7 . 7/9/2014
I liked it. I'm not the biggest Smokescreen fan but I really enjoyed him in this story and Prowl's shyness was priceless. Well done.
kkcliffy chapter 7 . 7/10/2014
I loved this whole fic, even though I'm not usually a Prowl/Smokescreen fan. Prowl was adorable in his shyness once he stopped the creepy staring. The whole thing was so sweet!
Tinyterror chapter 7 . 7/9/2014
It was AWESOME and the best well written Romance fanfic build up I've read in a long time.
Katea-Nui chapter 7 . 7/9/2014
Eeeeeeeeeeeeeee! I loved it! It really was a pretty realistic relationship imo. You did both personalities wonderfully and awkward, innocent prowl is a total kink of mine. BRAVA
Guest chapter 6 . 7/2/2014
“Damage report,” Prowl snapped over the open channel as the last Decepticon vanished into the distance.

“My dignity’s dead. I accidentally goosed Skywarp.”

“I will be sure to inform Medical of its demise. Memorial service is tomorrow, noon, cleaning detail. Anyone else?"

Those are funny lines. Well done
kkcliffy chapter 6 . 7/1/2014
This is so adorable! I spent a good bit of this chapter trying not to wake my napping students with my giggling. That couch was hilarious as were Prowl's failed attempts at being sneaky! His heroics were great, too- especially the others' discussion of them!
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