Reviews for Into Borg Space
Guest chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Really enjoying this, very interesting to see all is not well at the end of an episode. Hope you continue with this theme.
DeltaCat chapter 1 . 4/11/2014
Gritty, convincing. Loved it :)
Juddysbuddy chapter 1 . 4/11/2014
Really scary and well written! Had me worried there for a while, but exciting solution. I would be interested in knowing what happens next. Thanks for writing!
WhiteDragon25 chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Wow. This is one of the better Voyager fics that I've ever read. The writing is well-done, the characters are in-character and competent (surprisingly enough), the sheer dread that the Borg are supposed to project is perfectly executed here, and there's a sensible, believable dilemma with no right answer to it (instead of the usual stupidity that is typically seen in Voyager).

I'm truly impressed here. Most Voyager fanfics are just pure schlock, but you've managed to write a story that would've been an actual episode had the show actually stuck to its premise.

One minor nitpick though: I found there was no mention of Seven of Nine nor Kes here, which is odd considering that this fic takes place soon after Scorpion (and presumably, The Gift). Considering the quality of the story, though, this I can let slide.

All-in-all: Good work! :)

- WhiteDragon25
pennyd chapter 1 . 4/10/2014
Great story. I like to read about the grittier side of Voyager and what would have been the reality of their trip. I'd like to read more about this universe. Planning a sequel?
Mrs. Singing Violin chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
Oh, this is an eerie take! Fascinating, and really gives the feel of being hopeless.
SusanC chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
A unique and intriguing take on Voyager and the Borg, certainly more realistic that what we saw on tv. I am impressed with your invented technology and curious about Leeom Harod's people. Good to see Chakotay taking the glass if half full point of view to help pump them up from the drastic backtracking. Looking forward to more.
Wilhelm Wigworthy chapter 1 . 4/8/2014
Thanks for posting. This is an excelent example of quality work. Keep on updating!