Reviews for A Gentlemanly Conversation
Deep Color chapter 1 . 1/14/2006
This is absolutely wonderful. Good idea for a one-shot, but it just BEGS for another chapter. Perfect English (grammar and spelling-wise) is always a plus. The character consistency is also notable. Organization, as far as a reader as scrutinizing as me would be concerned, is well done.

Also, a venture as bold as a Tatsumi/Muraki attempt was not at all a bad attempt. It was brilliant. I hope you continue this, even if only for that aspect. Do e-mail me your thoughts about this if you must. I can also stand by as a beta if you need one. I'd love to hear from you.
Reformed And Gone chapter 1 . 12/27/2004
...Just...amazing. I must read more.
slashreaper chapter 1 . 9/25/2004

You have NO idea how long i've been looking for Muraki/Tatsumi fic. I don't care if they're still both lusting after Tsuzuki's ass in here. The fact that they were so close to NECKING each other... AGHH THE FRUSTRATION.

Are you still continuing this? I'm going to die if you won't. My Muraki/Tatsumi wants must be SATISFIED.
PJ Zatken chapter 1 . 9/22/2004
Hi! I found your name on Phantom Moon and checked your stories.

Man, this is awesome! I love your characterizations, so IC yet you've added a touch of your creative talent to it ;-D The story's chilling, exciting, and everything else good thrown in the mix.

Will be reading your other stories, especially since you've made a believer out of me ;-D
fireun chapter 1 . 9/4/2004
well damn. that was amazing.

yeah, i think that about sums it up.
Meriitite chapter 1 . 1/1/2004
Muraki loves his mind games, doesn't he? Although, I wouldn't really expect Tatsumi to be so...desirous. Eh, oh well. Loved the psychological taunting _
GrowlingTurtlez chapter 1 . 3/3/2003
Absolutely beautiful! I love how you handle Tatsumi's and Muraki's personality. This is a facinating characterization of the two of them. Job well done! Do I dare hope there will be more?

*Hint* *Hint* :)
Elf Asato chapter 1 . 2/17/2003
That was SO good! I loved it! You portrayed Tatsumi beautifully! *sigh* This series is so good.!
Lady Kazune Kikenshi chapter 1 . 2/16/2003
Okay! That's it! ::throws hands up in complete defeat:: After reading this, it's official. I have completely fallen for your writing style.

Yup, yup, no use denying it now. _~ the way you use words is so unimitable and powerful. It's so meaningful and clear-cut, even during the subtler parts of the story.

Your writing style is beautiful! How I envy you, but my admiration supersedes that by far _

And by the way! This .even after reading it twice, I'm still clinging onto every word. WONDERFUL job.

You have a way with describing my favorite bishounen Muraki. Disturbing. Insane. Dangerous. Ambrosial.

GOD! That was an amazing story! _ I don't simply love your stories, but I also admire them fully! Keep up the brilliant job!
Muchacha chapter 1 . 12/26/2002
Great! I love this. I'm gonna read the sequel. Bai.
2gud4u chapter 1 . 10/29/2002
That was sooo great, wish you keep on writing!

will look forward to somemore of your masterpieces!
Rook chapter 1 . 10/25/2002
I never write review in YnM section. This is the first time.

I came back rereading your fic the fifth time. Guess how I feel over your fic, huh?
Prismatic chapter 1 . 10/22/2002
Excuse me while I go die of the terminal coolness.

...; Wow. It's rare to find such good Yami fic.
Ruby-Tears chapter 1 . 10/21/2002
poor tatsumi. Eh. Overall a good fic
panatlantic chapter 1 . 10/21/2002
O_O sugoi da. thats the best ynm fic i read in ages! sankyuu!