Reviews for Things I Learned About Elsa
Love Elsa a lot chapter 1 . 1/3/2017
Elsa's death's the worst nightmare ever so far of all time, isn't it? It's even better if Elsa would've been much better off being portrayed to be more than only just a human, especially an immortal being herself, isn't it?
FrozenDaily chapter 1 . 4/4/2015
Wow :) So good! I hate the inclusion of the death possibility in the last chapter... im just not mature enough to handle it. But I was really touched by the mention of Elsa practicing her walking on ice! That's something i never even though about before
Rei Uta chapter 2 . 12/26/2014
The center of her life should be Frost babies! *hint hint ;)*

A creative compilation of Elsa centered information. I rather enjoyed the idea that she has 'guilty pleasures', it makes her feel more real in a sense. Great job!
ElsaIsAmazing chapter 2 . 8/23/2014
This is amazing! I love all the cool facts about her!
JelsaFan7 chapter 1 . 7/28/2014
This is really interesting. I just thought, after learning things about Elsa, what if there was "Things I learned about Jack Frost" or about the other Guardians, just a thought. I love Jack & Elsa as you can possibly tell. Again love your stories. Keep up the good work.
Julia chapter 2 . 7/18/2014
I the Elsa is not interested in suitors part. She is a perfect definition of me and what other girls should do. Rather than sit there and wait for a kiss.
Julia chapter 1 . 7/18/2014
Awesome wriring!
Dragonsrule18 chapter 1 . 7/14/2014
I love this! It's so sweet!
Tare-chan chapter 2 . 6/14/2014
Ah! A continuation! Eventhough i think these are mostly your creation, i still like it!
Skinny dipping and belly dancing were never crossed my mind. Lol! Oh gosh, the funniest part? The throat singing! Oh my my... It even confused Sven! Lol!
i also like the information i get for actuall thing like the saint and Dante's book. Wow... Who could've thought that just after i read this fic, i actually saw the Dante book being introduced in front of me by a bookshopkeeper. And thanks to you, i knew what story it helds, and could brag a little to him XD
Nice story!
magistw chapter 2 . 6/12/2014
Love this story!
It's the French dignitary that sent Hans home. Haha where's the English dignitary? What did Queen Victoria think about her little neighbor?
I believe Elsa knows more Germanic and Latin languages and even Aramaic, Hebrew and Greek are reasonable cuz they're useful when study theology and philosophy. But writing Chinese is ridiculous at that time.
When talking about Elsa's illness, some words Elsa told Anna would be more touching. Life is too short, this illness makes the sisters more close. I don't like those who exploit magic power to achieve immortality - they are evil. This is a story about true love, which never ends, whether on earth or heaven.
Magical powers are affected by spiritual condition rather than physical condition, I think.
The favorite saint and favorite book part is interesting.
But the skinny-dipping, aghhh, though I don't appreciate it, "apologize to Sven" makes me laugh!
sondrex76 chapter 1 . 6/11/2014
In some fanfictions Elsas powers has made her immortal, atøeast when it comes to aging, in others also to pretty much everything but that is when she are like 100 years old and well...her powers would have grown so much that it would be rediculus. (yup that word is spelled wrong)
Nice story and wery fun to read :)
HAFanForever chapter 2 . 6/11/2014
Hey, nice continuation! I think the bit about suitors was the only one I would have figured out. ;) I bet she'd be embarrassed to admit about skinny-dipping, but at least she has a hidden talent in playing the piano. :) Really nice job on the addition, Allison! :D
ThawMyFrozenHeart chapter 2 . 6/11/2014
Omg I was out to breakfast with my sister and my cousin and I was smiling like an idiot the whole time I read it especially the pay about the skinny dipping and the belly dancing! Oh god that was so funny! :)
deenna chapter 1 . 4/27/2014
great story!
NonbinaryNewt chapter 1 . 4/7/2014
Wow. The whole thing of Elsa teaching herself not to slip on ice is really sad :(
But this fic is SOOO GOOD! Are you gonna do more?
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