Reviews for Project: Assassin
Guest chapter 13 . 2/22/2016
Don't give up I don't care if you're story is not good or good because it your story
Guest chapter 20 . 2/5/2016
Man everything will be alright you don't have toleave and exspecially leave me with a cliffhanger (haha)
You will be fine just hang in there. I really like your stories by the way :) (my name or my last name and first letter of my true name cliffhanger) ;)
Zeta warrior 16 chapter 20 . 1/4/2016
I hope you will continue in the future I really enjoy your story you are one of the best writers I've read I hope to see more of your stories.
joeymassey1998 chapter 20 . 7/10/2015
Ur the best dawn dont for get that
The Return of the Enclave chapter 1 . 6/18/2015
All must for got I'm not good on computers or any type of technology yeah I meet suck but I try may best.
The Return of the Enclave chapter 20 . 6/18/2015
Hey there I one of your fans on your stories and I don't no any one said but I said last year your one of best author on fanfiction. I new on here but of along time I was a reader not a author but now I am. I gust want to say hi and hopping your life is doing good for you and your family. I know how it feels that everything seems to come and bit you in the ass. Last year I lost my job and my house and had to move back in my parents place. So yeah life meet not be easy but don't give up on your life. If your still alive I hope your family needs you all you need to do is don't lose hope stay strong. I know you meet never come back on making stories but to late you know. I read all your stories and there far better thin all other authors on here. Must the stories on here are not finished or something not right. If you do come back If you need ideas I can do my best to help out a friend or anybody in need. Will tell next time and have a good day or night.
Guest chapter 1 . 12/3/2014
Yeah Dawn walker wolf I know you like dead space right. Well I found out about this DLC for dead space 3 it's called The Awakened. It's where Isaac and John some how like and have to stop the other moons from getting to earth. The necromorph threat is still there and it kicks ass you should try it out if you got or not. Well see you later friend I hope you and your family are doing good so have a good day.
Sabere Commander chapter 20 . 11/19/2014
Um... Your not commuting suicide are you?... Don't do it... Youn have kids and a good life, yeah life can be stressful, but that happens to everyone! LIIIIIVE!
Soarin144 chapter 20 . 10/30/2014
Just recently i had losy my reasons getting bullied mentally getting stuff blamed on me everyone hating me my cousin forgetting me and my papaw dieing last chistmas eve its hard man but keep writing please i love your stories
Random Wolf chapter 20 . 10/25/2014
To be honest, I here u man. Things have happened in my life that I cant update as much. Id sign in, but I dont want anyone knowing its me. But, u will be missed. I always thought u were a great author, and those people who make the sad stories? Well, I stay clear of them. What im trying to get at is that ur a great author, and u inspired my stories... to an extent. Goodbye, Dawn.
Angel of Light 867 chapter 20 . 10/25/2014
Well, it's your choice to stop or keep going. I loved your stories, even though I didn't review. I would recommend to try to make life better first and if you have extra time and inspiration, you can probably write.
Crooked-7-Glasses chapter 20 . 10/25/2014
Five years ago my brother was in scar accident. He survived, but his body will never fully recover. He had four broken ribs and major burns from waist to waist and left hip to right shoulder from the seatbelt. He can't lift a ton a weight anymore and he still has to work for his wife and baby daughter. He works 7am to 8pm and then on the same day 9pm to 12am. He gets paid $7.20 an hour, a lot less then most of the workers, even though he has a high position. After he gets home he has to calm his baby daughter down, which mostly last until 4am. He then has to wake up at 7am to get ready to go to work.
Everyone has problems. But it's everyone's choice to feel bad.
Guest chapter 20 . 10/25/2014
Man I am going to miss you after all your one of the best authors I know about but family and jobs with other impartation thins come first. If this is the end will for good gust want to say is good luck on school, job and your family. Hope one day you do come back but if bad authors give you crap thin I now how to hate. Will today is like losing a great friend it's is sad but yeah good bye and good luck hope to see back one day have a good day.

From One of your fan reader and friend
Wolf From The South293 chapter 20 . 10/25/2014
woah...didnt think the story would come to a stop anytime soon its always the best story to read on here mainly because of the action scences but my point is your a damn good author
dax0042 chapter 20 . 10/25/2014
No, this can be. Am I the only one that stands up for Kate and Humphrey? Dawn, I was the one that you asked to keep writing Kate and Humphrey stories, because you were not finishing Battle Jasper City. I did that for you, and you can't just give up. But I can't hold you back, if you want to go then it's alright. I will continue to keep Humphrey and Kate together in my stories.
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