Reviews for Bright Light
snsavvy chapter 1 . 10/8/2014
That was great! I loved that,Dean was suspicious of a toy. But the best part was Dean saying they should make a devil's trap. Wonderful story. Love your stories.
Aranna Undomiel chapter 1 . 5/8/2014
Never heard of the toy, but very much lol at Dean wanting to make a devil's trap ;)
Guest chapter 1 . 4/13/2014
Aww! Loved the ending. :)
dashipper chapter 1 . 3/23/2014
Gosh...lite-brite. That sure brings back memories of being a small kid! I haven't thought of that in years. I'm guessing that a clown will not make it on the lite brite screen, huh? Thanks for sharing! : )
pandora jazz chapter 1 . 3/17/2014
Wonderful story!
I just kept smiling while I read it.
I'm glad Dean and Sam had some fun moments with Bobby while growing up.
Thanks for sharing your drabble with us.
SPNxBookworm chapter 1 . 3/16/2014
Awww, adorable! And kind of sad since poor Deanie not getting things he'd always wanted. This really explains the glee on Dean's face in Plucky's episode where he just brightens up seeing the rainbow slinky that Sam gives him! Poor thing must have wanted it ever since he was a kid!

It's so horrible that Dean gave up his childhood for Sam!

Loved this! Adorable!
belladonnachaos chapter 1 . 3/14/2014
Awww cutie brotherly love love how dean protects Sammy
Guest chapter 1 . 3/14/2014
So sad. John should be very, very, very ashamed.
LeeMarieJack chapter 1 . 3/13/2014
Very cute and very sad. Children who don't watch commercials because they then want things they can't have is not a good place to grow up. chapter 1 . 3/13/2014
LOL had to Google Lite-Brite! Sad that Dean avoided commercials at such a young age as they made him want things he couldn't have, and the big brother in him would demand to know it was safe before letting Sammy near it! And had to smile at Dean saying they should make a Devil's Trap!
Dizzo chapter 1 . 3/12/2014
I,'ve never heard of a Lite-Brite, but you've created a heartbreaking drabble around it; especially how Dean has learned not to take notice of commercials on TV - because he knows he'll never get anything.

Also, the fact that he had to ask if it was safe and the first thing he wanted to make was a devil's trap was such a sad reflection on his childhood.

Very nicely done x
KKBELVIS chapter 1 . 3/11/2014
But of course Dean would want to make a Devil's Trap...Loved it.

And always adore how you write Teddy Bear Bobby. Bobby! Whaaaaaaaaa!

Lite Brite - Yay- one of my most favorite toys as a kid...

Thank you for the memories!

So much so...going to go look for a vintage one on Ebay right now.

Thank you for your talent and sharing.
skag trendy chapter 1 . 3/11/2014
Hehe! Trust Dean to think of that!

Cheers hon.

Mind regards,
ST xxx
mara-isamoose chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
Oh my god I'm gonna cry... I'm so sad that three hundred words can give me so many feels. Like seriously, how did you manage to pack each word with them? Like Jesus. Are you some type of writing god? Will you bless me with some writing skills? And please never stop the Pizza Pie verse. It's my favorite.
Amberdreams chapter 1 . 3/10/2014
Never heard of Lite-Brite, guess we didn't have that game here, but nice use of the challenge word. I like weechester stories that explore how unchildish their childhood must have been most of the time.
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