Reviews for The Third Side
SadisticCutie chapter 19 . 12/22/2019
This is so beautiful. I'm so excited to what allen will do!
ZerefN chapter 18 . 7/12/2018
This is awesome!
aliceWALKER14 chapter 15 . 3/24/2017
this ch was downright hilarious and the butt part chocked me ! XD
sousie chapter 15 . 2/7/2017
i love it
please update
skyelar.writes.stories chapter 19 . 1/19/2017
That's understandable. And, for what I can gather, you have experienced a very nerve-racking turn of events.
Nevertheless, I will wait. Most of us will. Getting back into this sort of thing takes time, especially with something like this,, but I'm fairly certain that a majority of us are in it for the long haul. Even if it takes decades, I will be waiting.
This sort of thing is sad, and understandably so.
Okay, onto a happier note, you are an AMAZING writer, and don't ever let anyone ever tell you different! You clearly have passion, and unmistakable talent. It's nice to read good-quality stories. Lately, they've become rather hard to find. It's nice, really, to read a fanfic and to be able to enjoy it.
Back to the less happy note, if you ever need a vent, I can be a really good air conditioner (If you ever need to talk, my door/messaging inbox is always open.)
Anyways, I hope you feel okay soon! ;)
Kayo-San chapter 19 . 1/2/2017
Please, really, do take your time. If you need anyone to just talk and ramble to, I'll be here. Wanted to simply leave a word, slightly to gush about the fic and Cute!Young!Allen, and that it's a pity that he's just a false front to the Real!Allen. However, I fully support the fic and your non-inclusion of 219. Other than that, thanks for writing, hope you feel better. It's late to say so, but happy new year. I hope your shoulder feels better, and you'll be able to come to terms with your uncle's passing.
musicformiles chapter 19 . 1/1/2017
You don't have to push yourself to update, take your time to grieve. You don't always have to cry when a loved one dies either since loss will affect everyone differently. I hope you get back to writing your wonderful stories!
dlt-acct-pls chapter 19 . 12/31/2016
Oh dearie, losing a loved one can be so painful, and it can be very numbing. It is important to take the proper amount of time to mourn, however much you need. If your family is unable to help support you at the moment, then I do hope that you are getting support from other people outside.

Stay healthy and take care of yourself, and I'm sure you'll pull through.

I've never been very good with words, but I sincerely hope that my words have helped you, even just the slightest.

You have my condolences.
Cutiepie120048 chapter 19 . 12/30/2016
It'll get better with time, no matter how much you doubt it at the moment.

Losing a loved one is very hard and people have ways to cope - I hope that you're speaking to a therapist/counselor/friend/family member and not making unhealthy habits.

As I confuse and fumble my way through writing this, I think about how much you unintentionally inspire people by even DARING to write a fanfic, no matter if the quality is bad or good - you try your best.

I know you'll continue to try your best and this will only make you stronger.

You have my condolences

Happy New Years Eve
Codename-SN chapter 18 . 11/1/2016
Well, I'm still glad that you decided to include Alma. Now he doesn't have to become an Akuma! He's so under-appreciated, honestly.
Oh, it's fine. I like this fic anyways. And about which Noah should go with Allen, well... Personally, I'm partial to Wisely. But that's cause he's one of my favorite among the Noahs, but shh, no one needs to know that.
I'm curious to know more about Mana's situation though.

Ja ne!
Setsu chapter 18 . 10/7/2016
You're back! Finally! Thanks for the new update can't wait for the next one. This is one of my favorite stories!
dlt-acct-pls chapter 18 . 10/5/2016
Wisely should go with Allen! He can use is mind powers to troll the other Noahs!
Madness9236 chapter 18 . 10/5/2016
wisely should go, he'd be an amusing buddy.
ShadowTrooper1414 chapter 18 . 10/5/2016
This story is so good, I stay up from 1 in the morning to 5 in the morning reading it! XD I know, that's unhealthy, but it's a good story! You should DEFINITELY update more.
Also, tough through the homework. YOU CAN DO IT! I BELIEVE IN YOU! I may only be in, like, 8th grade, but I still get homework. Mostly for math, but whatever. I STILL BELIEVE IN YOU!
Good luck with getting more reviews and push through the homework.
yuzuki20 chapter 18 . 10/4/2016
thank you for updating, honestly if it was 'normal' Allen I will believe he really didn't have any ulterior motive, but since it was 'dark' Allen and I think Nea was talking about they need solder or sonethibg along that line. between the two, I choose wisely because of his demon eyes. sorry if my sentence is weirdly pharased
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