Reviews for Hopeless Wanderer
EmDen105 chapter 25 . 5/7/2018
Holy shit.
Never felt so many emotions.
I can't even put this in words.
Just...thank you.
Kaci903 chapter 3 . 3/29/2017
This chapter is really good. Overall, so far the story is great... it's descriptive and deep. You really start to feel the emotion in the story as you continue to read farther into the story.
Guest chapter 25 . 3/4/2016
Your style of writing as well as content is amazing. I love this story and even though Iv read it multiple times, it gets me every single time!
charmed-darkangel chapter 25 . 2/4/2016
Great story! Loved ur writing, it was interesting to read a story told In 2nd person, haven't read one of these in a while
Passionwriter5218 chapter 25 . 10/25/2015
Love this! Stayed up all night to read it straight through. You captured the characters really well.
j chapter 25 . 7/24/2015
great story. truly enjoyed it.
razmataz13drums chapter 7 . 7/4/2015
I absolutely adore Laura marling, she has been one of my favourite artists for years. I was lucky enough to see her in concert, she's quiet but completely arresting. I'm reading this at the moment and am enjoying it very much so I'll get cracking- but was just overjoyed at the Laura marling mention I had to express it
kimrene93 chapter 25 . 7/2/2015
I am not a writer but my favorite past-time is reading. I have read hundreds of fan fictions and let me just say that you are by far one of my favorite writers. I read this whole story in a couple of hours today and it was amazing. It made me laugh and it made me cry. Not once did I get bored with it, I was thoroughly entertained the entire time. You are VERY talented and I can't wait to read more of your stories. Always keep writing!
fifirosepfingston chapter 25 . 1/21/2015
GREAT STORY I really loved it thank you
Guest chapter 25 . 12/7/2014
So I stayed up way late and risked being tired all day at work just to reread this whole story from start to finish. I didn't mean to read the full story all at once but once I started, i couldn't put it down.

I liked the way it was written, as if the character was writing it. I've read other POV stories, but this was different. I felt like I was inside the mind of the character.

Im sorry that you were hit with bad reviews, but they were undeserved. There is one person going around leaving nasty reviews on stories so don't take it personally.

I wouldn't be upset about reviews, there are a lot of people that read and never review. Im usually one of them.
Guest chapter 7 . 12/4/2014
I've forgotten how beautifully written this story is. Especially chapter's 6 &7. It absolutely makes me feel in my heart. Now if we has 1000 more stories like th7s one, it would be great
guest chapter 25 . 11/26/2014
I just reread this story for probably the 5th time and its just so so good! Keep writing fanfic!
Sharod chapter 25 . 11/23/2014
Nice wrap up. I love the speech that you wrote for Callie.
Sharod chapter 24 . 11/23/2014
Nice chapter and ending to an amazing story. I loved this journey that you took us on with Callie and the entire Foster family.
Sharod chapter 20 . 11/22/2014
So good and uplifting. Callie now seems to believe that Stef will be there for her .
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