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fruity and slashy goodness of harry potter
all my favourite slash,other schools,super power,dark etc harry includes lucius/harry, tom/harry edward cullen/harry etc includes crossovers
English - Staff: 4 - Archive: 286 - Followers: 49 - Since: 12-24-08 - Founder: snake in a lion skin
the best of dark...harem...unusual pairing badass fics of general fics
my thoughts on the best dark harem and the odd pairing of general ranging from naruto harry potter or whatever if me and my staff think its bad ass its in here so enjoy the badassness
English - Staff: 8 - Archive: 338 - Followers: 49 - Since: 12-11-07 - Founder: Kageryu-Sama
Kitty's fav fics, slash, xovers, and more
all the fics i hav read and are still reading, theres SSHP, LVHP and more SLash and loads of crossover that I have found and still finding.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 1027 - Followers: 49 - Since: 04-13-07 - Founder: cutelittlekitten18
Completed (mostly) Harry Potter stories - Worth a Read
Miscellaneous (Mostly)Harry Potter Stories, from Independent Harry to Slytherin Harry to Abused Harry to HarrySnape Slash and non slash. Anybody have any complete stories drop me an email. Also included other fandoms that appeal
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 238 - Followers: 49 - Since: 09-24-06 - Founder: Lady Connor
Deleted 12390128
This community has been deleted. Apologies to anyone this may have upset or inconvenienced, but seeing as won't allow you to remove/delete anything except for stories, this seemed to be the only way to get rid of the content.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 7 - Followers: 49 - Since: 08-10-06 - Founder: Deleted or Deactivated
Angst, give me angst...
Any Fandom, any rating. Angst can be found in many forms...If you want to be in my staff, PM me, and I will add you.
English - Staff: 36 - Archive: 3459 - Followers: 49 - Since: 02-10-06 - Founder: SivanShemesh
The Great, The Unique and The Odd.
Are you tired of fic's that all seem to have the same plot? Are characters so fake you what to strangle them, yelling profanity's? want something better? well look no farther. Open to all types of relationships. wow its been about 10 years since I created this community. I'm still here ^_^
English - Staff: 12 - Archive: 1695 - Followers: 49 - Since: 07-31-05 - Founder: the Bluegayle
SI-OC Stories
Self Insert stories from Doctor Who, Harry Potter, True Blood, Twilight, The Vampire Diaries/The Originals Universe, Game of Thrones/ASOIAF, The Avengers and the The Walking Dead. Some are great, some very good, and some not so good. But definitely some worth reading.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 181 - Followers: 48 - Since: 06-25-16 - Founder: Nihama9492
No Longer Active or Deleted
I need to find the delete button.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 10 - Followers: 48 - Since: 07-08-14 - Founder: NotActiveForeverGone
Kagome-chan Crossovers
Kagome-centric crossover stories with SesshomaruKagome pairings added. Only crossovers with other Anime/Manga, movies, books, and the rare comic/cartoon are allowed. No Yuri pairings will be found here. Stories here are added by quality of the writing, not by the popularity of a series. A purge of poor quality stories and story reiterations in this community will commence on September 6, 2012.
English - Staff: 2 - Archive: 2941 - Followers: 48 - Since: 11-11-08 - Founder: ShikiKira
Harry Potter Novel Length Stories
This is a collection of novel length, well written, Harry Potter stories. There is a good selection of Harry and Hermione stories as well as with a few other cannon females. There are powerful Harry, Dark Harry, Manipulative Dumbledore, time travel, and AU stories here. Most of the stories will be above 50,000 words. If you have any stories that you think should be added to the forum please message this account and I'll read them and make a decision.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 214 - Followers: 48 - Since: 07-22-07 - Founder: AndrewsQuill
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 23 - Followers: 48 - Since: 07-13-07 - Founder: meimei42
FUCKING AWESOME FANFICION DARK LIGHT CROSSOVER AND IN BETWEEN Hello everybody I recently received a request to add a story and I want more lol, I am always on the prowl for more great stories so hey let me know and I will read it if I like it its added. please join as a member and save this site in your internet favorites for easy access to all your favorites PROPHESY Spoken ON JULY,28 2011 Deep in the great beyond lies the forsaken beware for the forsaken draw near true story Hello eve
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 4793 - Followers: 48 - Since: 03-26-07 - Founder: falseproffitt
the Best of FanFic has to offer
see profile...
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 5043 - Followers: 48 - Since: 12-13-06 - Founder: Harry Snape-Potter
M2J's Archive of FanFiction Highlights
Formerly, The MandalorianJedi Archives. Fics that the talented, at least in his own opinion, "M2J" MandalorianJedi has taken an interest in. M2J's favorite fics and fics that could be one day. Works include, but not limited to: Harry Potter, Naruto, YuYu Hakusho, Star Wars and Artemis Fowl. NONSlash.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 7833 - Followers: 48 - Since: 04-03-06 - Founder: M2J MandalorianJedi
Completed Fics
A place to keep all the completed fics I like, mostly Harry Potter, some Supernatural and Stargate. There might be some SeaQuest. Whatever I like.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 1048 - Followers: 48 - Since: 06-29-05 - Founder: notnetmaven
Twisting the Hellmouth
Twisting the Hellmouth's little corner here in the den of evil.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 57 - Followers: 48 - Since: 09-14-04 - Founder: Jinni
Padfootjr's favs
My favorite fics and their sequels. Anything and damn near everything. Azkaban, superpower, timetravel, betrayal, romance, humor bla bla bla. Very few hp/gw but those few are pretty good. No slash and no Severitus.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 231 - Followers: 47 - Since: 10-13-06 - Founder: padfootjr24
A World of Difference
Alternate Universe, Alternate Reality, Crossovers. Eh, this is what my favorites list would look like if I had an unlimited number of slots. Covers: Ranma, Naruto, Detective Conan, Avatar the Last Airbender, Harry Potter. No boyboy action here. Pairings: RanmaxNot Akane, NarutoxNot Hinata, ConanxAi, AangxToph, HarryxGinny
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 1635 - Followers: 47 - Since: 10-19-05 - Founder: Tama Saga
Murking Fantasy: Vivian Vande Velde Fanfiction
Absolutely adore Heir Apparent? Think that Michel from Companions of the Night is the ONLY one for you? Hate how difficult it is to find good VVVelde fanfiction? Well, hopefully here is your solution. Unfortunately I can't post what hasn't been written, so if you know of any fanfics I missed, let me know. And go forth and write! Join the LJ community: MurkingFantasy
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 65 - Followers: 47 - Since: 02-17-05 - Founder: Eternal Contradiction
Death Never Dies
Crossovers with Gundam Wing, mostly starring our favorite God of Death.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 18 - Followers: 47 - Since: 10-14-04 - Founder: Hoshi-tachi
Self-Insert Collection
Some of the best Self-Insert/OC-Insert fics to be found on this site. Collection updates a few times a year. Send fic recommendations through pm, and they'll be considered before the next update. Latest Update: 4/30/2019
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 128 - Followers: 46 - Since: 08-30-12 - Founder: GlowShower
take off your pants and jacket
fics that i like and stuff like that.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 592 - Followers: 46 - Since: 06-27-10 - Founder: xfucktheglasses
Xadro's - List of Polygamy
Like the title says this C2 holds all the stories I have found and approved off (or at least think you would enjoy) that involves Polygamy, this means a male character with more than 1 Girl/Women at the same time or sometimes spread over the story. Warning: not all stories have the pairings already in it but they ARE planned to be in it, we just have to wait until the authors updates his or her story. Also it could be that the multi pairing is just implied or mentioned.
English - Staff: 0 - Archive: 91 - Followers: 46 - Since: 08-19-08 - Founder: Xadro
Female Main character (Femslash/Yuri pairing)
Pays homage to the female version of any male character like Naruto Usumaki or Harry Potter who still get's together with a girl, (I.E. Naruto/Hinata and Harry/Hermione. The main characters can either be turned into a girl )either Perminately or only the a majority of the story) or already one but hiding it.
English - Staff: 1 - Archive: 31 - Followers: 46 - Since: 04-10-07 - Founder: Dark-Magician-41
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