nope7777 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 02-16-08, id: 1501370
Author has written 35 stories | Twilight, Harry Potter, Young Wizards, Gallagher Girls, RENT, and Inheritance Cycle.
β : nope7777 is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
I've reaized that I sound kind of snobby in this, but don't take me that way, please. I really do like to joke around, I'm just particuar about the fanfiction I read.
I've been on fanfiction since before I had an account and I've seen plenty of bad plots, bad writing, and all around bad stories. Anyone who wants me to beta will unfortunately have to deal with me giving ideas for stories at every given chance. You never need to take them, but I imagine it can get annoying. My plot bunnies overwhelm ME, so I bet they would overwhelm everyone else! I don't mind a while between updates or chapters, but I may not be able to get a lot done too quickly. I'll try my hardest though! I'm the kind of beta that you can throw ideas and plot directions off of. You might want to give me a brief summary beforehand, but if you can just tell the basics, I won't say no!
Please, please, please, if you ask me to beta, have a decent sense of spelling and grammar. I will help you as much as I can in that area (Don't judge my spelling skills from spelling bees! I crack under pressure or when I have to spell out loud. Paper and pen, I'm good. Ask me to spell ribbon out loud, it'll be wrong. Believe me. It's happened), but I am not a miracle worker, however much I wish I was.

To put it in short, I will pick apart your plot and attempt to put it back together again - but I will do it in a nice way. With plot holes, I'll ask questions about what happens. Then I'll suggest you put that in somewhere. If something doesn't make sense, I'll question it. And then ask you to correct it or make it fit. I have picked apart my friends' original stories without even reading them (they told me the basic plot and I found a million errors and plot holes). I love my friends to death and I wasn't afraid to say "Look. Sorry, but I can't read this until you tighten up the plotline. I can help with that, but I honestly won't be able to read it. My eyes glaze over when things like plot holes happen! I'm not kidding you! We're BFFs, but just fix your story so I can read it!" I'm not afraid to do that to you. You have been warned (it may be without the BFFs part, but another nice noun will be susbstitued :))

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
I am pretty good with developing a plot and I am purely a character writer, so developing character is a good thing. I am much better at grasping the characters of Harry Potter and RENT than Twilight. However much I love all those fandoms, I grew up with Harry and can connect to him much more. Plus, I feel a connection to some of the RENT characters, such as Mark and Roger and Angel. I'm a bit like Mark and I know people that are like several of the others. Then again, who CAN connect to Bella and Edward? Jacob, maybe. But a love like that? Never!
Character sketches are fun. I have not yet written one out, but I have fun making them up in my head during random times of boredness.
Angsty is fun, yet I enjoy humor. Check out my fics if you don't believe me. Killing off a character is also fun. I once killed off all the Cullens and more in a oneshot. I once killed Harry himself (from torture) in a oneshot. I like angst, alright? That's it in short!
I'm okay in romance, but small bits of fluff are easier to write. I tend to enjoy friendship fics and developing those bonds.
My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
I'm a stickler for grammar, but I don't have the best eye for it. I try my hardest though, and I wind up catching most! It's easier when it's not my own writing. I tend to like details and I probably will bug you if you don't have enough, yet I might get lost if there's TOO much or if there's a big battle scene (in Eclipse and Harry Potter 7, I had to reread half the battle scenes because I got lost in the drama).
Sometimes, if the grammar is really bad, I just won't be able to torture my eyes very long. I'm the plot-beta, not the grammar beta. There's a difference! Plot-betas are those who you get advice on characters and plotlines and such and grammar-betas are spelling and grammar and that's it. Some Plot-betas are grammar betas as well, but I prefer to stick more with the latter.
Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Harry Potter- I will take time travel, Teddy stories, Marauder stories (especially Remus POV!), humor (as long as it's not too OOC), and redo a life (usually Harry's but anything else would be a nice change. Similar to Time travel, really). Oh, and I've recently seen an amazing Voldy raises Harry story, so I'll maybe try one! Someone is sent to an alternate universe is interesting too, but it has to be well refined. I like details people, so if you don't know what going on in your world, I'll be figuring it out with you! Time travelers, be warned - Unless you make it clear that things are in the wrong time, I'll be searching for inconsistencies. I've searched shows and songs and movies and books to make sure they were actually put when the story takes place. I've had to rearrange total plots because I forgot that little bit!

Twilight- All Humans, I'll take, but only if it's super good, I'll no doubt take Alice stories (I love them!) I will read pre- Vamp stories, and obviously, humor. I'll try Jasper/Bella, but only if Alice and Edward are not bashed! Angsty, to an extent. I do not want New Moon fics from Edward's POV. Sorry! Too cliche for me. And I'm Queen of Cliche! Anyhow, I have been rather disconnected from Twilight lately. Breaking Dawn left with so many possibilities, yet so little. Plus, it's hard to get a grasp on the characters. I have more common plot bunnies for Harry Potter. My reasons are explained up, up, and beyond the strengths section! Also, you might want to skim my HP preferred, because I have some advice for dealing with a beta like me.

Rent- I'll read most anything, but my favorites are those of canon couplings and non- AngelLives! fics. I also tend to dislike Pregnant!Mimi and Apri!Lives! but this isn't the section for that.

Cliches with an original twist is nice, for all!
I tend to like canon ships, but every once in a while I'll try something new. Not Edward/Alice, too much like siblings (heck they are!) or H/Hr (same as before). I am open to Dramione , but only if it's really creative. As for RENT, a non canon that I like is Joanne and Mark, even though I've never read one and don't intend to. The Tango:Maureen just makes me think that if Joanne was bi, they'd be very, very cute together.

I'd like some good angst, guys. I don't want to sound braggy, but I love my angst. I tend to cry as I write them, so I really love them (fics that make me cry are usually good... unless it's because the writing is really bad and that makes me want to talk to the person with a list of tips to help them that they usually ignore, but I feel better knowing I tried. But that hasn't happened yet, so that's good, right?).

Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
-I will not read slash (sorry, I have nothing against it, I just can't read it!). My exceptions are Rent, where Collins/Angel and Maureen/Joanne are actually canon and also HP where Dumbledore/Grindelwald makes total sense.
-No lemons please, I'm not a fan of cliches or overly parody fics (Twilight ex: Omg, Bella's pregnant and Emmett's random and Rosalie wants to kill Bella and Edward is over protective and won't let Bella leave her room and Jacob wants to kill Edward and then the Volturi show up and try to kill Bella. Edit: Bella pregnant is no longer a ridiculous plotline.). Yes, I am aware of what a hypocrite I am, because I love cliche. But I twist it, so it's different!
-I will not read Ron bashing or Alice and Edward bashing (unless it is from a werewolf and even then... vice versa with the wolves, guys! I happen to like my furry friends). I also do not like Jacob bashing. -Slash (hints of it) is fine when speaking on terms of Albus/Gellert, but that's because it's canon and I can actually see that couple together (and until book 7, I couldn't picture Dumbledore with ANYONE).
-Incest (except in the Cullen/Hale case), pedophilia (that counts teacher/student and cross generation with HP, with the exceptance of Lupin/Tonks, for they are my favorite couple and should not have died. Also ignores the whole vampire and their love, like Edward and Bella, and the imprint thing), and cannibalism (excluding the eating of humans from vampires. Gosh, what kind of books am I reading? Ha, sorry, I kind of took that from twilighted . com, but it was too funny to resist).

If I haven't mentioned it, PM me with a brief summary and I'll look it over.

If that summary is more than brief, like the summary I usually give potential betas, I don't mind that either. :)

Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » T
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
Book Harry Potter
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for