Mystickal 's Beta Reader Profile
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since: 09-16-06, id: 1134502
Author has written 5 stories | Shaman King, Yu-Gi-Oh, Saiyuki, and Misc. Tv Shows.
β : Mystickal is a registered beta reader and is currently accepting beta reading requests.
Beta Description
Beta Bio: general description as a beta reader
-Describe who you are as a beta-reader-
Intensely interested in the English language, I've much experience in peer editting/guiding others in their essays in school and I do hope that those skills are able to help those fanfic authors out there (and myself in the process) to better themselve further.

-Betareading style-
I'll be zooming into the language of the fics in terms of grammar and vocabulary. I'll leave the plot to you, although if you do wish for my input, do feel free to ask. I'd rather edit or oversee fics which are of the anime I've encoutered to enhance your betaread(ing) experience and correct any OOC-ness if possible. Although I do take fics for purely editting of plots and whatnot if I feel an inexplicable connection with it. Just drop me a message to read your fic.

-Expectations of anyone that wishes to acquire your services-
Do not expect me to get back to you in an hour, or even a day. Do remember that I have my own life outside of the internet and I am not afraid to say I value that more than my internet life. I'll get back to you ASAP and keep you updated as to why I can't reply (within a week). Do not test my patience with profanities.

My Strengths: beta, writing, or reading strengths
Plot expansion: I am told that I have a knack of injection a certain something different into my plots.
Language wise: With my real life 'betareading' experiences (peer editting), I can guide beginners to further mastering the English Language.
Style: Many do compliment me on my descriptions so I guess that'll count at something, I think.

Do drop me a message regarding what you would like me to focus on (whether they are typed out here or not).

My Weaknesses: beta, writing, or reading weaknesses
Humour: I tend not to be able to focus much on the style of the fic when it's predominantly humourous (laden with jokes and other 'funny' actions etc) as I tend to get carried away by all those. I am not too good at crafting humour too so please forgive me.
OOC: Unless I am in tune with the anime, this is a part I am lacking in. I can pick vibes from the characters depicted but not much after which.

I'll be a tad blunt with you: I do not like to put a false sugar coating on anything. This might be a plus to some, a minus to others, so you decide.

Preferred: types of stories I prefer over others
Fics on animes I've encountered and pairings I am more in tuned with. Story style, not fics soley made of dialogue please. As much as I like humour, I am more attuned with serious fics. Medium to long fics with elaborate plots tend to spark my interest too. I won't mind editting fics other than fanfics as well (such as for real life and whatnot)
Would Rather Not: I do not beta for these stories
Pairings which I don't like.

I will only beta-read anime/manga related fanfics. Sorry but other genres of fanfics are indeed not my cup of tea.

Beta Preferences
Language: English
Content Rating: Fiction K » M
Categories: categories in black are ones this beta has authored for
All Anime/Manga
Genres: genres in black are ones this beta has authored for