Author has written 23 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Legend of Zelda, Super Smash Brothers, Mario, Redwall, and Sonic the Hedgehog.
BAKURA FANGIRLS UNITE: (created by me, Jeshi-chan)http:///BakuraFangirlsUNITE we all lovvel him ; Moonlight Chat Galaxy: ;; It's a roleplaying site! ALL GO AND SIGN UP! http:///forum/profile.php?mode=register&ruid=7
:Important - In best interest to read if you are one who reads my stories often: At this time I would like to thank anyone and everyone who has read my stories in the past and has dealt with me throughout my crazy (heh, retarded) fangirl-ness (which I still have for Bakura ;D) and who has read and reviewed my stories. I've been on this site for quite a few years now, and have climbed some ways in hopes of now being respected. But, at this time I am announcing my "retirement" on I will no longer write stories here. (Well, at least on this site) I say this because - this site, I believe, is taking a turn for the worst. There are too many immature people on this site who take no value in writing, or have the compassion to try their best, and in result, you cannot talk to them without their, "OMG! YOU ARE LIEK SOOOO OMEAN!OMGOMGOMG!!" wangsty CRAP. I believe that is all really. Because of all the idiots here who do not know how to follow directions or even take five minutes to read the TOS,'s newest rule I believe is, "any mis-rated stories will NOT be tolerated, and their account will be immediately cancelled." In the past, I have had someone who reported my story as being mis-rated. My story was rated PG, I had only one chapter in it. Apparently, the language content was higher than the rating. The ONLY word I had in that chapter that could even be considered a "swear word" was damned. I had tried 3-4 times to talk to the staff, but they all ignored me. I later found out that the staff does not even read the stories that they delete, which is completely unfair. I also found out that this person reported me because she did not like my username. Tell me, what kind of an excuse is that? And knowing this new rule, why should I have to put myself through the torture of writing more, only to have my account deleted the next week? No one likes my username, which shows just how immature of visitors/writers we have on this site. I do not tolerate such injustice, especially from the website's staff. For this, this site has lost one mature writer. One of the ONLY ones who knows how to spell-check. For those friends I have made on this site, I'm sorry I never finished the stories I have on here, but it was certainly nice to have such great reviews and for me to read your stories! ~Jeshi (aka Yami Bakura's Wife), July 1st, 2004. Jeshi: I'll probably confuse one or two, or maybe 500 (like that many people would actually READ my fics) people when in my "mooses" as I call them, I have this strange girl named "Jeshi" just so you know, that is MOI! - The author, it is a nickname. Besides, my penname is
Yami Bakura's Wife it doesn't say anything about my name, does it? It's just my title. My name is Jeshi (which is actually my nickname, because my real name is Jessica)
Bakura: And I am her shudders husband..
Jeshi: That he is! huggles Bakura So...yeah, lol. You know what I love to write about? NINTENDO!! I'm a HUGE Nintendo fan! Mario, Super Smash Bros. Melee, Zelda...uh...yeah...LOL!! . I know a LOT more about those than I do Yugi-man, that's why I'm able to write more serious fics you could say! .6 It's all good in the end for us all!
Bakura: Not for me!
Jeshi: isn't paying attention I've got a couple of poems that I wrote on Fictionpress! OH! And take this's called the "Stupid Test",I took it..(and failed horribly XD) VERY confusing...very frustrating..very odd on how they know exactly WHAT answer you were going to pick!! O_O http:///refer/redir_ng.cfm?p=62200&d=08-05-03
Bakura: Honestly, you find THAT amusing?!
Jeshi: nods HAI! -