Author has written 1 story for Naruto. Kitsune of Life and Death's Profile... Name: Who cares? Anime Naruto: Best anime and Manga I ever laid eyes on! Good story (Might be a little annoying from time to time if the same plot gets overused...), I love the the characters mostly. Inuyasha: It had a great start in the series but now it just drags on and on. I hope they could get a little better instead of always being repititive...Jeeze would Naraku already die PLEASE..Dude you kill him he comes back to life...Kill him again :Hey im baaack, he just wont die...but hey I love the characters: Go Miroku! Fav Pairings (naruto) Naruto&Hinata (Best couple their ever will be in anime history!..Well..Im actually just a HinaNaru fanatic...I also got a thing with Naruto having Fox tails/ears..) Disliked pairings (naruto) Hinata(Anybody else besides naruto..((Ex.Come on give me a break HINATA AND SASUKE! just does not add up)) That pairing drives me crazey.along with a few others that I could go on all day...) Stories Priestess of light-In Progress Stories in planning None so far... |