Author has written 4 stories for Inuyasha, and Escaflowne. Short Bio Real name: you'll know when I sent you an email Age: ... I'm not telling... (I'm in my teens so between 13 and 19) Sex: Female (kind of obvious) Favorite colours: PURPLE(all shades), silver, baby blue., pastel colors Favorites sports: Volleyball, football(soccer), tennis, badminton Obssesion: ANIME! and books (don't mess with the books) What I love: I love all anime especially: Inuyasha, Naruto, Escaflowne, Cardcpator Sakura, Gundam wing, Gundam Seed and Digimon(season 1,2 and 3) Fav Couple: Inuyasha: Kagome + Inuyasha, Sango + Miroku, Koga + Ayame Naruto: Sakura +Sasuke, Naruto+Hinata Escaflowne: Hitomi + Van, Millerna + Dryden, Eries + Allen CCS: Sakura +Shoran, Tomoyo + Eroil, Ruby Moon + Yue GW/GS: Relena + Heero,Hilde + Duo,Catherine + Trowa,Dorothee + Quatre, Sally + Wufei/ Lacus + Kira, Cagally + Athrin Digimon: Sora+Taichi, Mimi+Yamato, Hikari+Takeru, Yolei+Ken, Jerri+Takato, Rika+Ryo Books Authors: J.K Rowling, Tamora Pierce, Mercedes Lackey, Nora Roberts, Anne Rice, J.D Robbs, Mary Higgins Clark, Danielle Steel, Dan Brown... Contest For the every 25 reviewer I shall write a special fanfic for the reviewer. There will be certain limits but it is pretty much a free thing. This contest is for both my reviewers on and THis contest is made as a thank you for all of the people who take the time to read and review others fanfictions. Thank you in advance. Rule 1: It has to be a fanfic on something I know. Rule 2: Nothing longer than 3 chapters That's all I can think of so far so thank you in advance for the reviews. |
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