Author has written 8 stories for Harry Potter, and Stargate: Atlantis. I'm a married, stay-at-home mother of two--a boy and a girl. I enjoy reading and writing. I've currently authored only Harry Potter fanfics but have recently fallen in love with the Stargate: Atlantis fandom. My current projects involve HP drabble and SGA fanfiction. It All Comes Down To Time was originally posted elsewhere in the middle of October 2005. Since then, I have been working on revising the story so that it isn't so rushed. What you find here is the result. However, due to the rating restrictions on this site, I will be editing out some graphic sex scenes. For those of you who are 18 or older, you can access the unedited version at the following archive: I am proud to announce that It All Comes Down To Time won first place in the Intelligence and Possibility categories in round six of the Multifaceted Awards. Also, my first drabble series, Eternal Love, won first place in the Shyness and Tears categories in round six of the Multifaceted Awards. The Sponge Bath Trilogy won first place in round two of the Quill to Parchment awards for best series. Thank you to all of you who voted for me. I appreicate your support more than words can express. Two of my stories have been nominated in the current second round of the sshg_awards. It All Come Down to Time has been nominated in the Polyjuice Potion: Best AU category, and The Sponge Bath Trilogy has been nominated in the Hiccupping Solution: Best Drabble Series category. Voting lasts until April 30th. I enjoy writing drabbles and am part of a livejournal drabble challenge group called grangersnape100. Take a look if you are so inclined. Take the time to check out my friend's stories. You will find them well worth your time and effort. Alauralen won in round five of the Multifaceted Awards for Insecurity/Best Crossover with her story, Voldy, Demon, and Death Eaters! Oh My! She also has another excellent WIP called, A Romance From A Tragedy. |