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Joined 05-05-17, id: 9172543, Profile Updated: 07-24-20
Author has written 10 stories for Akagami no Shirayukihime, From Far Away, Akatsuki no Yona/暁のヨナ, and Log Horizon/ログ・ホライズン.

Ryuu no Okaasan - "Mother to Dragons" ...because my kids wish they were dragons and I think they already are.

(On AO3 and when looking for more background data/author progress updates: JiryuRasen.)

Living in the heartland of the USA, closet manga/anime/light novel/Legend of Zelda otaku, author

Drowning in my obsessions

#1 Manga: From Far Away

Right up-there: Akagami no Shirayukihime, Yona of the Dawn, Horimiya, The Adventures of Prince Arslan, Nijiiro Days/Rainbow Days, Log Horizon... (complete list coming...maybe...have to look up the titles)

#Looking for a good home for an adult cat.#

DISCOUNT NOW BEING OFFERED at my patr(e)on page (patr(e)on dot com slash JiryuRasen). If you're enjoying TechnoMagus, in particular, I am now offering a fifty percent discount on my top two tiers. Please stop by there and see if you'd be willing to help support my efforts to keep writing. Additionally, I'm offering a discount on the ebooks and print volumes of Chronicles of Tarc, which is of the same genre as The Missing Princess. Please go over there and take a look!

Fan Fiction for Log Horizon (Yeah, okay, I put it at the bottom thinking it would be a short one-time story ... NOT. It's become my most popular one and now technically longest one as well. I've moved the summary up so you don't have to go to the bottom of my profile to get to the TOC any more.)

TechnoMagus (Rating: T)

A new type of Adventurer ends up somehow in Log Horizon guild's house - up in the tree top over the roof. In defending her, Shiroe finds answers to some of his deepest, hardest to answer questions.

I've seen the animes (first two seasons) and own the light novels (what's been published in English anyway through volume 7). My story uses the stuff that is official in the States, not the unofficial translations on line after that. Most of the spellings, etc. come from the light novel, just because, or I've picked my favorite spelling. This is like my other long works: OC, romance, political drama, action/adventure, and of course long. (Sigh. Could turn this into another Fairy Tale if it was turned into an anime, or a One Piece without all the yelling and more plot per episode.)

I'm re-posting this over at AO3, fyi. Some days I like the author interface here better and sometimes I don't - like when it loses the edits. Surprisingly Log Horizon has more followers here than there.

So that you can read perhaps just the sections you want, here's the breakdown so far:

Chapters 1-12 First Arc

... Purrcy Level 1: Adventurer, Chs 1-6

... Purrcy Level 2: Plague Carrier, Chs 7-12

Chapters 13-14 Intermission

Chapters 15-49 Second Arc

... Purrcy Level 3: Summonable, Chs 15-35

... Purrcy Level 4: Vengeful Spirit, Chs 36-49

Chapters 50-51 Intermission

Chapters 52-117 Third Arc: Purrcy Level 5: Oracle

... Wedding Sub-Arc: Chs 52-69

... Preparing to Enter Level Five: Chs 70-86

... Yamato - Bridging Over Level Six: Chs 87-98

... China - Completing Level Five: Chs 99 -117

Chapters 118-119 Intermission

Chapters 120-169 Fourth Arc: Purrcy Level 6: High Priestess

... Preliminaries and Flavor Text Sub-quest: Chs 120-138

... Bridge: Christmas in Minami: Chs 139-141

... NPC Sub-quest: Chs 142-152

... Akiba vs. Izanagi Sub-quest: Chs 153-161

... Time Sub-quest: Chs 162-169

Chapters 170-279 Fifth Arc: Purrcy Level 7: Administrator

... West U.S. Region: Chs 170-195

... Central and East North Amerkan Regions: Chs 196-205

... Approaching the Boss Room: Chs 206-218

... World Sect War: Chs 219-226

... World Sect War, Repeat: Chs 227-241

... World Tree Preliminaries: Chs 242-264

... World Tree and Going Home: Chs 265-279

Chapters 280-336 Conclusion: Purrcy Level 8: Woman Restored

... Prologue and Summoned Again: Chs 280-288

... Caretaker Again: Chs 289-294

... TechnoMagus Again: Chs 295-299

... High Priestess Again: Chs 300-304

... Administrator Again: Chs 305-310

Chapter 311 Intermission

... Eastern Hemisphere Again: Chs 312-318

... Western Hemisphere Again: Chs 319-324

... Conclusion (Earth): Chs 325-332

... Conclusion (Theldesia): Chs 333-336

I have four (short) bonus stories written and one or two I might could write if I get to missing this world down the road. I'm so very looking forward to sharing what Theldesia and Shiroe have shown me on this walk of ours.

I'm making paper copies to have at home when the electricity or internet go down. If you come be a patron you can ask for one for yourself... So far the list is (updated 5/21/20):

Vol I: World Dungeon Levels 1 Adventurer & 2 Plague Carrier
Vol II: World Dungeon Level 3 Summonable
Vol III: World Dungeon Level 4 Vengeful Spirit
Vol IV: World Dungeon Level 5.1 Wedding Sub-arc (Oracle)
Vol V: World Dungeon Level 5.2 Preparing to Enter Level Five (Oracle)
Vol VI: World Dungeon Level 5.3 Yamato: Bridging Over Level Six (Oracle)
Vol VII: World Dungeon Level 5.4 China: Completing Level Five (Oracle)
Vol VIII: World Dungeon Level 6.1 Preliminaries & Flavor Text Sub-Quest (High Priestess)
Vol IX: World Dungeon Levels 6.2 NPC Sub-Quest, 6.3 Akiba vs. Izanagi Sub-Quest, & 6.4 Time Sub-Quest (High Priestess)
Vol X: World Dungeon Level 7.1 West U.S. Region (Administrator)
Vol XI: World Dungeon Levels 7.2 Central and East North Amerkan Regions & 7.3 Approaching the Boss Room (Administrator)
Vol XII: World Dungeon Levels 7.4 Level 7 Boss: World Sect War & 7.5 Level 7 Boss: Repeat (Administrator)
Vol XIII: World Dungeon Level 7.6 World Tree Preliminaries (Administrator)
Vol XIV: World Dungeon Level 7.7 World Tree & Going Home (Administrator)
Vol XV: World Dungeon Levels 8.1-8.5 (Woman Restored)
Vol XVI: World Dungeon Level 8.6, 8.7, Conclusion (Woman Restored)
Vol XVII: Bonus Stories

Fan fiction for Akagame no Shirayukihime (Snow White with the Red Hair)

The Missing Princess, Book 1: Obi's [Back]Story (Completed, 34 chapters, Rating: T)

Obi finds himself assisting Shirayuki in tending to a woman found in an accident in the mountains. Upon learning who she is, Obi must face his past and Zen, the new Regent of Wilant, must desperately return stability to the Region. At the same time, Shirayuki has to focus on what is really important to her or she won't be able to stand by Zen.

My OC, Ilena, brings Obi's past into the present and has to be addressed. This is my 'dream' of adventure, politics, romance, angst, humor, etc., that Obi has brought out. I love the characters as they are so well written (by the mangaka).

I've started rewriting this to publish it. I would like to see it in print and hold it in my hands. It's my 2018 resolution to have it out at least as a paperback and as an ebook by the end of the year. Update 6/3/18: This is ready to head to the printers as Chronicles of Tarc 545-1: Stallion and Steward and Chronicles of Tarc 545-2: Knight and Falcon. Waiting for enough funds to build up to purchase the required ISBNs, with the goal to have it in the "hands" of the printers by mid June. So exciting! Update 7/2/18: Both books (paperback and ebook) are available from Barnes and Nobles, and I have copies in my hand. Sweet! Now also available at Amz and other retailers. Update 7/21/20: As a 2-year anniversary celebration, all eight volumes are now available at a discount for those who become patrons. See the note at the top of this page!

Really this is equivalent to a 'Light Novel'. It keeps going and going... I've tried to break it up into "books", but when I went and learned how many words a real book was I had way over exceeded the number in each of my "books". I started writing it similar to how I was reading the manga - sections that could be drawn in short segments. Somehow the writing of it has continued that way until I don't know how or where to stop. So the future holds these and probably more:

The Missing Princess, Book 2: Princess of Three Countries (Completed, 45 chapters, Rating: M for later brief sections)

Ilena has been discovered to be the missing cousin of Prince Zen, Regent of Wilant and Second Prince of Clarines. As a young girl she promised to support and protect him. She also promised to marry Obi. As they work to uncover the rest of her secrets, she works hard to help Shirayuki become the princess she needs to be to be able to stand next to Zen as his wife, though they fight against all the court of Wilant. Can the woman born to be Princess learn to be a supporting member of the court and win Obi’s trust and heart? And, can the woman born as a commoner win the role of Princess for herself? What happens when Zen’s older brother, King Izana, comes into the picture?

Full on political drama with romance and adventure. Update 7/2/18: Now also available from BnN as Chronicles of Tarc 545-3: Count and Director and Chronicles of Tarc 545-4: Husband and Wife. The books are rated T. You'll only get the M versions of any of them here, fyi. Now also available at Amz and other retailers.

The Missing Princess, Book 3: Royals of Wilant (Completed, 29 chapters, Rating: T)

Prince Zen, Regent of Wilant, finally understands that the war with Tarc has already begun and sets out to defend his country and people. However, the Lord of Tarc does not fight with armies, but with subterfuge and lies that poison the land. Zen, with his close aides and his cousin Princess Ilena as Director of Intelligence, works hard to block the Lord of Tarc’s advances and put into a place a plan to do away with him for once and for all. At the same time, Zen has to deal with the responsibilities of being Regent of Wilant and Shirayuki learns what it really means to be a princess. Obi, on the other hand, has to learn how to deal with having Ilena as a wife. She was difficult enough as a partner - can he teach the wild falcon to really be tame?

Are you surprised by the shortness of it? :-) Update 10/7/18: Now available as Chronicles of Tarc 545-5: Consort and Princess and Chronicles of Tarc 545-6: Student and Professor.

The Missing Princess, Book 4: Lord of Tarc (Completed, 35 chapters, Rating: M - NOTE: If you have your ratings set to not see mature stories, you won't see this in your list. You'll have to turn off your restrictions temporarily to find it.)

Obi is finally sent into Tarc to begin fighting back against the Lord of Tarc. A legend from the land aids him in his work, but the clansmen don’t always show what's in their hearts. He's finally learned the strength to be gone from Ilena during this time, but is she going to be okay without him? Zen and Shirayuki have their hands full until the long awaited day of revenge finally comes - and then there’s the matter of taming Tarc itself.

Update 7/21/20: Now Available as Chronicles of Tarc 545-7: Marluk' and Naluk' and Chronicles of Tarc 545-8: Head Clan Heads.

The Missing Princess, Book 5: Return to Tanbarun (Have started working on it... On hold.)

Both Obi and Zen have promised Shirayuki a return visit to play in her homeland, there's the matter of a royal honeymoon, and Ilena has Agents she wants to recruit. Things are almost too busy at home, though, and the winter cabin fever has been difficult. Can they indulge themselves even a little or will duty make it less fun and more stressful than it already was? Mitsuhide and Kiki return back to the castle, making Zen happier, plus there's the matter that an open bottle of fine port purchased...

The Missing Princess, Book 6: Grand Duchy (So far, only ideas floating around in my head...)

Dance of the Moons (Rating: K through M depending on the story, so overall the rating has to be M)

This series of one-shots for Obi and Ilena, from The Missing Princess series, will be the only place you'll see "Dark Obi", most likely, though he peeks out here and there in the books. I have a lot of Dark Obi (and Dark Ilena too) in my head and need, want, desire a place to put it...so it doesn't go in the books. That's who Dark Obi and Dark Ilena are, after all - the New Moon faces they share, though they don't often show their New Moons at the same time. Not everything here will be dark. (I don't think so anyway. The moons constantly turn, after all.)

- The stories will be dribbled out over time as the muse hits me.
- The M rating will be for either sexual themes or violence, because Obi is really all grit and sex appeal underneath his adorable exterior (IMO)

Fan Fiction for From Far Away (Kanata Kara)

The Dangers of Being an Intellectual (3rd edition completed 9/9/19, 2nd edition completed 2/3/18, Completed, 33 chapters, Rating: T)

What if Noriko arrived at the Sea of Trees as a book-worm intellectual, following the example of her author father? Would Izark still want her in the end, or would the Sky Demon be born due to self-defense...from her? A reader's perspective, since as an author I can't stand to be caught up in same old-same old or I dry up and blow away. (This is my first try at one, so please be kind). If you like how I write The Missing Princess, you might not like this format, but it's still me.

This one also has lots of everything mixed in a bucket. Action, adventure, romance, sci-fi/fantasy, humor, drama, politics, etc. But then, all the best ones do... I wasn't going to really write it, then I thought of the third chapter and laughed, so had to write at least that much. (Please read all the first three chapters together. The First one explains the world/story beginning, the Second one is the lead-in to the Third one.) Whenever I read Chapter 4 though, particularly out loud, I can't make it through it for laughing so hard. I'm such a geek. It's done. I couldn't not post every day, sigh. I really enjoyed it.

There's a little game to play with this one, btw. How many references to pop-culture can you find? I had a lot of fun sticking them in, and a few are hidden.

Update 2/3/18: My paragraph format in the original went by topic instead of readability and standard dialogue separations. I've fixed that now. There were a few places it bugged me. I've also added just a few things near the beginning to help define a little better some of Noriko's quirks. It was fun to work with it again after half a year. It's better than I remembered - which is always a good thing to be able to say about past works.

Update 9/9/19: I've edited (yet again) because I'm working on The Sky Demon: An Autobiography, so paragraphing should be much better, sectioning between scenes is finally in place so the flow is easier to follow, and speech has a better consistency to it (it's hard having two different languages and people trying to learn them).

NEW: The Sky Demon: An Autobiography (Completed, 46 chapters, Rating:T)

As I wrote The Dangers of Being an Intellectual I had to pause every now and again to get into Izark's mind and personality to have any clue as to how he would answer my Noriko. It made me more than once itch to rewrite it from his perspective. At the one-year-anniversary-ish from posting that story, I've finally written it. (Wow. Like it's been two years, not one. Where does the time go?) I like being able to read any story I like multiple times, and from different perspectives can be very entertaining. (Thus why fan fiction exists and is read by readers like us.)

I really like Izark as a character. He's the strong, loner, silent-type, so he has a lot of mental introspection going on. His story ended up longer than Noriko's for that reason. I'm probably going to move the stories from Izark's Song to the end of this one, based on how I've put this one together. ...We'll see. Update (12/2019): I did, and removed Izark's Song as a separate collection of shorts. They're part of this story now, in the "Appendix".

Crossover (Akagame no Shirayuki x From Far Away)

Comets over Clarines (Completed, 8 Chapters, Rating: T)

So, I'm a glutton for punishment. Here's a hidden story you don't have to read unless you stumble upon it. It's not cannon at all, so if you're looking for cannon, skip it. It comes off my series of novels, The Missing Princess (set after the fifth book), and my story The Dangers of Being Intellectual.

It has lots of my long head-stuff in it, particularly in the first five chapters, so if that twists your brain, you should probably skip it. If you like to think and enjoyed The Dangers of Being Intellectual and Ilena's lectures and Zen's heavy thinking in The Missing Princess, then you'll enjoy this one, I would think. I didn't write it for anyone but me. You've been warned. '~'

7/17/17 - It's turning out to have lots of Izana in it starting at Ch 6, surprisingly, even though I started it to answer the question of how Obi and Izark would interact since they are so similar, except Obi's an extrovert and Izark's an introvert. Noriko and Shirayuki are peas in a pod. ...Which makes me think that those of you who ship Obi x Shirayuki might really enjoy From Far Away, if you haven't read it yet.

7/19/17 - I'm LMHO, ROTF. Sometimes you stay true to your characters and they take you into left field. The story ended short because of that and the initial premise of how they met. I could continue it, but I think I might want to re-try with the cannon characters and see where that takes me instead. This one's good as it stands. Entertaining ending twist, IMO. (As I said, I wrote it for me and the characters definitely entertained me.) I was glad to get into the head of Izana in at least one of my stories. I really like him as a character and king, even though he is super annoying at times.

Oh, I wanted to say, I titled it "comets" because Obi sees Zen and Shirayuki as "suns", himself and Ilena as "moons". Izark and Noriko are also bright lights, but they come like comets - briefly and with much wonder, often to not reappear in a lifetime or more.

Fan Fiction for Akatsuki no Yona

The Gift of Family (Rating: T)

I really love Jea-Ha and am so depressed the mangaka is foreshadowing the birth of the new green dragon and Jea-Ha's death. I want to see Jea-Ha continue on and on and on, with all of the rest of them. This is a one-shot in honor of him, and is my first one-shot, and first tragedy. I wanted to give him what he longed for, but couldn't have. I considered making it a full story (it's where the original idea for my ff pen name came from), but it works so well as a one-shot, and there seem to be plenty of this type already. Please go and enjoy it if you have a moment.


I did write another series of three stories that I posted on a Lord of the Rings fan fic site that was set modern day with OC x Elijah Wood. Wasn't able to finish the last story, sigh. I've gotten better - I hope. I have no idea if that set is still available archive or not. (First story was titled "The Secretary".) They all turned pretty dark at the last few chapters, surprising me. I have to constantly edit the current works to take out the dark stuff that spills out first. I could rewrite The Missing Princess story as a dark version by now, but I love the light the original manga contains so I strictly try to pull that out and set it aside and try again. I am certainly learning a lot about editing and cutting and trying again when it comes to content this time around.

Cophetua by Zara Allegra Vespertine reviews
Izana Wistalia is on the cusp of inheriting the crown of Clarines. Preparing to launch the country into a new era, he thought he had everything sorted out. The arrival of a red-haired foreigner has put a dent on his perfect plans. His will is strong, but can his heart withstand an unexpected siege? An intimate take on the manga chapters from Izana's POV. Possible IzanaxShirayuki.
Akagami no Shirayukihime - Rated: K+ - English - Drama/Family - Chapters: 139 - Words: 148,276 - Reviews: 468 - Favs: 195 - Follows: 213 - Updated: 2/17/2019 - Published: 11/14/2015 - Izana W., Shirayuki, Zen W.
Sort: Category . Published . Updated . Title . Words . Chapters . Reviews . Status .

TechnoMagus reviews
A new kind of Adventurer winds up in the tree top at the guild house for Log Horizon. When the guild defends her, Shiroe finds answers to some of his deepest, hardest to answer questions about the Theldesia they've all been brought to and how to get home.
Log Horizon/ログ・ホライズン - Rated: T - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 266 - Words: 2,277,370 - Reviews: 48 - Favs: 133 - Follows: 140 - Updated: 7/31 - Published: 8/9/2017
The Sky Demon: An Autobiography reviews
Izark has grown up being told he will some day be the Sky Demon of Destruction. He enters the Sea of Trees to kill the Awakening - that which will make him into that which he doesn't want to be. When Noriko is an intellectual, what does that mean for his future? A retelling of The Dangers of Being Intellectual, from Izark's perspective - because the world needs to know *his* story.
From Far Away - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Romance - Chapters: 46 - Words: 206,517 - Reviews: 13 - Favs: 9 - Follows: 7 - Updated: 12/12/2019 - Published: 8/31/2019 - Complete
The Missing Princess Book 4: Lord of Tarc reviews
Obi is finally sent into Tarc to begin fighting back against the Lord of Tarc. A legend from the land aids him in his work, but the clansmen don't always show what's in their hearts. He's finally learned the strength to be gone from Ilena, but is she going to be okay without him? Then there's the matter of taming Tarc itself. Sequel to TMP Book3: Royals of Wilant.
Akagami no Shirayukihime - Rated: M - English - Drama/Adventure - Chapters: 35 - Words: 360,492 - Reviews: 8 - Favs: 16 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 4/3/2018 - Published: 10/30/2017 - [Obi, OC] [Zen W., Shirayuki] - Complete
The Missing Princess Book 1: Obi's (Back)Story reviews
Obi finds himself assisting Shirayuki in tending to a woman found in an accident in the mountains. Upon learning who she is, Obi must face his past and Zen, the new Regent of Wilant, must desperately return stability to the Region. At the same time, Shirayuki has to focus on what is really important to her or she won't be able to stand by Zen.
Akagami no Shirayukihime - Rated: T - English - Romance/Drama - Chapters: 34 - Words: 315,641 - Reviews: 23 - Favs: 59 - Follows: 43 - Updated: 11/17/2017 - Published: 5/6/2017 - [Obi, OC] [Shirayuki, Zen W.] - Complete
The Missing Princess Book 3: Royals of Wilant reviews
Prince Zen, Regent of Wilant, finally understands that the war with Tarc has already begun and sets out to defend his country and people. At the same time, Zen has to deal with the responsibilities of being Regent of Wilant and Shirayuki learns what it really means to be a princess. Obi, on the other hand, has to learn how to deal with having Ilena as a wife. Sequel to TMP Book 2.
Akagami no Shirayukihime - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 29 - Words: 271,535 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 10/27/2017 - Published: 9/18/2017 - [Obi, OC] [Shirayuki, Zen W.] - Complete
Dance of the Moons reviews
A collection, added to irregularly, of one-shots for Obi and Ilena from "The Missing Princess" series. I want a place to put muse thoughts and ideas that don't fit in the story line that are still fun or heart pulling reads. If you are enjoying my novels about Obi, you might like to come visit here occasionally.
Akagami no Shirayukihime - Rated: M - English - Romance/Adventure - Chapters: 15 - Words: 124,820 - Reviews: 4 - Favs: 8 - Follows: 6 - Updated: 10/19/2017 - Published: 7/17/2017 - [Obi, OC]
The Missing Princess Book 2: Princess of Three Countries reviews
Obi's partner Ilena has been discovered to be the missing cousin of Zen. As a young girl she promised to support and protect him. As they work to uncover the rest of her secrets, she works hard to help Shirayuki become the princess she needs to be to be able to stand next to Zen, though they fight against the court of Wilant. Sequel to TMP Book 1. M for two late scenes.
Akagami no Shirayukihime - Rated: M - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 45 - Words: 355,324 - Reviews: 15 - Favs: 26 - Follows: 13 - Updated: 9/16/2017 - Published: 8/1/2017 - [Obi, OC] [Zen W., Shirayuki] - Complete
Comets over Clarines reviews
Obi and Izark come from similarly dark backgrounds, and have found the light they crave. What happens when they are brought together, and how does the combination affect the lights around them? (Not canon. Based off my novels in 'The Missing Princess' series and 'The Dangers of Being Intellectual'. For more info see my profile.)
Crossover - From Far Away & Akagami no Shirayukihime - Rated: T - English - Adventure/Supernatural - Chapters: 8 - Words: 71,145 - Reviews: 1 - Favs: 4 - Follows: 2 - Updated: 7/28/2017 - Published: 7/23/2017 - Complete
The Dangers of Being Intellectual reviews
What if Noriko arrived at the Sea of Trees as a book-worm intellectual, following the example of her author father? Would Izark still want her in the end, or would the Sky Demon be born due to self-defense...from her? A reader's perspective (my first try at one - please be kind). I'm expecting lots of humor amid the rest. (AU, Fantasy, Adventure, Hurt/Comfort. Updated 9/2019.)
From Far Away - Rated: T - English - Drama/Romance - Chapters: 33 - Words: 170,929 - Reviews: 26 - Favs: 20 - Follows: 9 - Updated: 7/18/2017 - Published: 6/21/2017 - Complete
The Gift of Family reviews
One shot in honor of Jae-Ha. A new Green Dragon is born, and a family is born with him.
Akatsuki no Yona/暁のヨナ - Rated: K+ - English - Family/Tragedy - Chapters: 1 - Words: 3,918 - Reviews: 3 - Favs: 10 - Follows: 5 - Published: 6/24/2017 - Jae-Ha/Green Dragon, OC, Four Dragon Warriors - Complete
fiesa (388)
Kevyn (7)