Author has written 9 stories for D N Angel, Sorceror Stabber Orphen, Final Fantasy VII, and Kingdom Hearts. Name: ShardyAge: 21 Occupation: Sales rep./eBay technician for store/trainee airman And...there's really nothing much else to know. For those of you who are reading my works and enjoying them (or perhaps not enjoying them so much) thank you for your precious time. I apologize for taking down a few stories, but I recently I have joined the United States Air Force, and because of this I do not have the time nor the energy to focus on lengthy multi-chapter fics. I also hate the fact that the unfinished ones just sit here and collect dust, so I had to remove them. Perhaps I will go back to them one day. For right now, I just want to pop out little oneshots and mini multi-chapters (like Anywhere But Nowhere) here and there until all this recruiting craziness is finally done and over with. I like to think of myself as the "mistress of odd and obscure pairings". Or I take canon pairings and twist them around to something unexpected. It makes writing fics more challenging for me. I am always trying to improve on my skills, and taking pairings to the next level is my goal. I never pair up anyone with an OC. In a way, I am rather against such a thing and rarely ever read about them. I only use OCs as minor characters to further enrich and enhance the plot occuring with the canon characters. To me, plain and simple, Mary-Sues and Gary-Stus are original characters that steal the canon spotlight. If I wanted to read about an OC, I'd go to the library and read a few good books there. If I wanted to write about an OC, I'd either continue on the original novel I'm currently working on, or create another piece of original fiction. Now, I didn't use to be like this. I have written my own SIs and OCs and Mary-Sues and what not. Am I ashamed of that? No. I was just experimenting and learning. I've been writing fanfiction for well over ten years now (Oh-em-gee, Shardy's teh OLD!!), and I'd like to think that I've grown very much as a fanfic writer. I am also an avid Het writer. Yaoi and Yuri are written depending on my mood at the time and just how twisted I can make the pairing. So, no, I am not a homophobe. It's just that I like good old fashion (and twisted) boy/girl romance. Well, here is a list of the pairings that I'm currently indulging in. A lot of these pairings actually change with my mood. So, if it seems like I'm turning Kairi into a whore, I'm sorry. But I adore that girl to pieces and she deserves all the men in that fandom, darnit! Favorite Pairings (in no particular order) Final Fantasy Full Moon wo Sagashite Majutsushi Orphen Yuugiou Other Fandoms Fandoms will be updated as they occur to me. Please enjoy my works! |