Author has written 16 stories for RWBY, Fate/Grand Order, Warhammer, and Halo. Allo there. I'm just a writer from Australia that likes to dabble into the deep inner workings of the characters I write about. I like to bring out their flaws, their fears and their hurts, only for them to realise that they will still be accepted. So if you really like my works of fiction, please! I encourage that if you feel so strongly about it that you leave a review. Good or bad, I welcome all! Even it's to say that you enjoyed it or it was a good piece of fiction, I would gladly appreciate it! Of course, a favourite or a follow is nice as well, but I won't twist your arm. I value honesty above all else. I'll keep writing as long as ideas come to my head and I like how I've conveyed them, so I hope you stay with me as I stumble my way through writing. Cheers! If you prefer AO3's look and style, then go ahead and have a look at my AO3 account, same name: Inebriated Caffeine Imbiber |