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Joined 08-13-05, id: 877142
Author has written 1 story for Batman.

Name: Why, Enigma o' course!

Age: 1.5000000000000

Hair: My HAIR is none of your buisiness.

Eyes: same with my eyes

Glasses: or my glasses

Height: or me height

School: or me schooling.

Hobbies: Drawing, Reading, playing video games, surfing the web etc.

Favorite Movie: The Lord of the Rings Trilogy

Favorite TV show: Lost and House (M.D)

Favorite Anime: Death Note

Favorite Book: ... that's really difficult... Bram Stoker's Dracula is up there, and anything by Ray Bradburry

Favorite Band: The Beatles, Queen and Led Zeppelin.

Dream job: I'd like to work for Pixar. (don't we all?)

Favorite video games: The Legend of Zelda : Twilight Princess, Kingdom Hearts 2 and Okami.

Other shows I like: Batman TAS (the 90's Batman cartoon mind you, not the miss-begotten new cartoon) Invader Zim, old school Spongebob, Trigun, Cowboy Bebop and Fruits Basket.

Other movies I like: The Lord of the Rings movies, Star Wars (all of them, even the prequals) Spiderman 1 and 2, Batman Begins, Edward Scissorhands (amongst other Tim Burton movies... except for Batman 89') Spirited Away, Howl's Moving Castle, Amadeus, Galaxy Quest, Napoleon Dynamite, Nacho Libre, The Indiana Jones movies, the Back to the Future trilogy, the Wedding Singer, Shallow Hal, Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix, The Phantom of the Opera (whaaaat?), Signs, Sixth Sense, ( okay, basically any M. Night Shymalan movie) Close Encounters of the Third Kind Pirates of the Caribbean 1 and 2 etc. etc. etc.

Favorite books: All of the Classic Monster stories, anything by Ray Bradburry (again), all of the Sherlock Holmes stories, anything by George Macdonnell, Animal Farm, 1984, All of the Rold Dahl books, please... I'm trying to group the books by authors... there's too many... in my head... in my skin.. craaawling in my skiiiiiin.

Favorite bands and singers: Led Zeppelin, Queen, The Beatles (heck, that band is the soundtrack to my childhood), Oingo Boingo, Talking Heads, Depeche Mode, Black Sabbath The Cure, ... okay... see, I'm mostly old school, I have a natrual adversion to new music, however, I do guiltily listen to a bit of Panic! at the Disco and there's... this French guy... Mathieu Chedid... (or just known as -M-)... um, he's pretty cool twiddles fingers Oh, OH and Weird Al.

There you go. :)

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