Poll: Pairings for Girls-Who-Saved. Vote Now!
Author has written 1 story for RWBY. Hello there, oh humble wanderers of FanfictionNet, and welcome to my Dark Abode, home of DarkSolus! I'm a student in a medical university, and writing fanfiction stories is something I do to ease my weary mind off the horrors of medicine, hehe. I'm a worshiper of many fandoms, the most prominent being RWBY, Harry Potter and Sword Art Online, but I'm also familiar with a hundred more animes and almost the same amout of book fandoms, not mentioning the games: Mass Effect, Pokemon, Elder Scrolls, basically the mainstream. I'm not really the best English speaker out there, seeing as I'm not a native speaker at all, but I've had a fair share of practice, so I usually write my stories without a beta. That's not my first experience in fanfiction writing, but the stories I previously wrote largely ended up boring in terms of the plot, so I signed up for writer's courses just to polish my skills. My favourite fandom so far is RWBY, mainly because it's so versatile that a good writer with some inspiration and a decent idea can make it shine so brightly your eyes would hurt :D I'm deeply in love with the plot and the various ships within the fandom, my favourites being Arkos (my condolences to everyone who witnessed it die in a valiant battle), Renora (Oh, this one's sweet as a stack of pancakes with syrup, mmmm :D) and Eclipse (for those living in a hermit's hut, that's Sun/Blake) I'm always open for suggestions, ideas, offers of partnership, whatever! Just send me a PM and I'll gladly respond! |