Author has written 10 stories for Naruto, Bleach, Black Lagoon, Fate/stay night, Gate - Jietai Kare no Chi nite, Kaku Tatakeri, and Akame ga Kiru/アカメが斬る. New profile for the people who might remember.. Wow, it has been forever since I posted anything on a fan fiction site. Well for starters let me address the few people who still have me on some sort of follow list. Hello again everyone. I am iNFAMOUSX. I wrote some stories several years ago called Don't be Flashin Steel When you Roll Through Compton and Bloody Pawprints Since then I've written a few parts here and there but nothing complete since then. I have not written fanfiction in years, possibly over a decade.. In any case, Due to my work in media I read a lot to get a feel for stories and how to have characters interact in various ways. I recently had a flash of inspiration for an idea that was interesting, unique, and simple enough to bring me out of my long retirement. But first let's address those who might remember me: Bloody Pawprints may at some point reach completion. However, as of this point I have no real ideas on how to continue it. It's been so long I'd be fairly surprised if anyone really cares or remembers at this point. Anyone who wants to adopt it is more than welcome, though I may go in and play with it again if I ever figure out what to do with it. There are several problems I want to address. Firstly: it is way too quick. I had a thing for Naruto being in the Akatsuki and being a bad ass missing ninja back then, so I rushed through to get him there. The relationship with Kyuubi was way too quick and forced. In my defense nearly every naru/kyu story out there is guilty of that. The story had some potential when I had first conceived it. The basic premise was that Naruto was going to help reunite Kyuubi with her family and I had a great elaborate backstory set up for her which was shot to pieces with cannon. Also, Obito was going to have been possessed by Madara and Naruto would fight to get his friend back so Possessed Obito would be the main antagonist. One of the biggest issues with these kinds of epic stories is that in order to effectively pull them off a game plan is needed. Arcs provide that framework for manga and anime. When I set down to write BP all I really cared about was powering Naruto up giving him an Akatsuki cloak and having him hook up with Fem Kyuubi. I had no idea how to get him there and just thought up stuff as I went. Inevitably I ran out of steam. This can and probably will happen to you if you try to undertake a story without a proper guideline of where to go. I got lucky with DBFS in that my ideas came to me as I wrote with enough frequency to continue. Hollowed Space is ridiculous. I wrote that back before I truly understood what a gary stu was. I was going to make up for it by having Ichigo's friends kinda of guide him along but not take part in the actual fighting. They would act as sort of power ups and guidelines for how to deal with the ultimate boss. Kudos to me though for having the ultimate bad guy be a super Quincy years before the manga ever touched on it. Still, that jumbled mess only had a few gem points that I wanted to touch on and again, had no idea how to get there and connect the dots. A few key points were, exploring the history behind Tsubaki, Orihime's attack fairy. Ichigo obtaining Renkai the third release, Ishida accidentally recovering his power by being shot at just the right point in the heart by an enemy Quincy while trying to sacrifice himself for Nemu, and Ultimately Ichigo standing aside and letting Ishida save the day at the end despite his new power up. A few of my ideas had some potential, but with no real way to tie them together it's probably going to sit as it is. Out of all my stories including that stupid Rudolf parody DBFS remains enjoyable to read. I have matured greatly since then and I still enjoy reading some of the fight scenes and chuckle at the one liners. While on addressing DBFS I went back in and read through some of the review conversations. I want to take this time to apologize for the absolute douche I was back then. There's actually a few posts where I threatened to start a physical confrontation with someone should they decide to look me up. That was childish and uncalled for. I apologize and there will not be any repeat performances of that sort of behavior. If anyone is interested in exactly what I have been up to. Well, it's been pretty crazy. My main source of employment is currently contract freelance based animation work. I've mostly been working in 3d and have worked on a few small Iphone and android games. I'll let you know if I get a project where any of you would be playing or watching my work on console or TV. Secondly I've grown tremendously as a martial artist. My Kung Fu has gotten incomparably better than I was years ago, and I've been training in MMA for a while. Most of my time has been spent either working on personal or commercial projects, or training in various martial arts. I have read fanfiction occasionally to get my creative juices flowing and especially enjoyed such works as Gabriel Blessing's Hill of Swords and In Flight. There's been some really well done DBZ fics as well I've enjoyed, and of course quite a few bleach ones. In any case, I had an idea pop into my head a few days ago that has grown into what you will now see before you. I have had many ideas for interesting fics in the last few years, but since BP's last chapter I really haven't messed with it. The thing about this story is that it's open ended. There's no definite path I have to take. It's also very light and easy to write as I don't have to be terribly careful with the pacing. To all old followers, hello again and I hope this finds you doing well. To all new followers, hello and nice to meet you. I hope you enjoy my work and maybe I'll gain some fans that transfer over to my animation work as well. Repost this if you truly believe in God. PS: Yahuveh is always there in your heart and loves you no matter what, and if you stand up for him he will stand up for you. If you believe in Yahshua Amashiya put this in your profile and don't just ignore this, because in the Bible it says if you deny me, I will deny you in front of my Father in the gates of Heaven. |