Author has written 10 stories for Invader Zim, Super Smash Brothers, Legend of Zelda, Fire Emblem, and Kid Icarus. Yay, I finally changed my bio, and now it's much better! Let's better know Invader Aqua! Age: 18 but going to be 19 soon! Status: TAKEN! XP! B-Day: December 12 Favorite Colors: Blue, Black and Silver or Rainbow tie dye with Black as the under-color Favorite TV Show: INVADER ZIM (Of course) Current Obsession: INVADER ZIM (naturally) Favorite Animal: Bobcats and Velociraptors! (Dinosaurs = luf) Favorite Mythical creatures: Dragons of every shape and size, Irkens and GIR. Favorite Bands: I've been listening to Evanescence... a lot... Physical Description: I'm medium height with short, redish brown hair. Blue eyes, and I don't have glasses or braces ect. And if you haven't guessed by now, I'm a girl. Emotional: I've been told by my friends that I'm naturally happy hyper, but others in my household might even consider me goth. I don't have very many black shirts (except my Invader Zim ones of course .), and I HATE wearing makeup with a passion. I'm not the preppy cheerleader type (I'd shoot myself if I was) and I don't care for most people who are. It really depends on how they treat people like me. Family: My parents are divorced and I live with my mom. I have a step-dad, a half-sister, (a dead-beat step-brother), and a live-in cousin from my step-dads side. The funny thing is, my cousin and I are only related by law, but we have the same name, are only two years apart and her B-Day is exactly one week ahead of mine! O.O;... I visist my Dad every two weeks and that's the only time I can update my story. IT'S NOT OUT OF LAZINESS; MY FAMILY JUST DOESN'T HAVE THE INTERNET! I really like fanfiction and I'm writing a 170 chapter book off of the role-playing I do with my friends. If you want me to post it (which I'm thinking I will) just let me know. !!FAN FIC IDEAS!! (Unnamed): ZAGR. In the wake of Gaz's death, Zim struggles to care for his infant daughter alone. Behind Glass: I'll never be able to understand. Everything was going so well. Zim had surrendered, and was even going to try to make peace between his Empire and Earth. He was hailed as a hero on Earth, so why did he attack on the date of his global debut? Gaz's POV. Now, her only hope is to talk to Zim, who is now being held under surveilance at an asylum and hopefully unravel the mystery before time runs out. ZAGR! The Worst Day Ever: It was all just another day on Earth. Zim and Dib were fighting in space. Zim got shot down and had a fit. All perfectly normal... Except today is no ordinary day. It's Zim's birthday. He realizes that he's one year away from going into heat and his only hope of getting off of Earth in time is Dib. But Dib won't let Zim just leave. Dib wants to go to Irk too! DATR. Why are We Still Fighting?: ZADR. After years of saving an Earth that was never aware it was in danger, Dib starts to qestion what good he's doing. Zim's plans often fail on their own, so who is he helping? One day he descides that enough is enough, and quits being the hero. But Zim won't take this laying down. He won't let his only reason for living give up. ZADR. An Unnecessary Evil: Zim and Dib became fugatives and are now hiding as two college students. Now that Zim's identity is revealed to the world, he has no choice but to rely on his former arch-enemy. Both of them are in for a surprise when a desperate Irken comes into their lives. DATR. A partner project that I am working on with Invader Johnny. Danny Phantom crossover. Untitled: I don't even have a summary yet, but it will be the sequel to Against the Odds endings A and C, since everyone died in ending B. |