![]() Author has written 20 stories for Wolf's Rain, Fullmetal Alchemist, Cartoon X-overs, Redwall, Misc. Anime/Manga, Silverwing, Twilight, and Animorphs. FanFics Animorphs - Incomplete The Evolution - Story Wolf's Rain - Completed Works Slaves- Story - OMG!! IT"S DONE!! Twins - Story My Broken Promise - Poem It wasn't for Paradise - Poem Who Will Stand by Me? - Poem A Wolf Doesn't Fear Death - Poem Come With Us - Poem Wolf's Rain - Incomplete Works Can You See The Darkest Side of Me? - Story - Slaves sequel . -happy dance- Story- Story - I need some time to think about it so sorry folks. Labratory of Demons - Story - Twins sequel Under A Full Moon - Story Full Metal Achemist - Completed The Sparkle Alchemist- Short story- help... me... How could you? - short story Redwall - Complete Martian's Godbye - short story- Martins ending in life and his joy of seeing all his freinds again Redwall Anima- Incomplete In a place called Haven - story Twilight or other books by Stephine Meyer - Complete Her Scarlet Blood - short story- A New Moon fanfic Silverwing or other Books by Kenneth Opal - complete Griffin's Feathers- short story - A challenge between friends- a Sunwing fanfic X-Overs - Incomplete Violent Girls - Story- Yeh? -sweatdrop- You have to be really bored to enjoy this fully... or on a sugar high Wolf Meets Fullmetal -Wolf's Rain and Fullmetal alchimist story- Written with D.C Talk. Go check her out at http:/// . Now... A few very very old original works like Maggie, Winged warrior and others can be found on http://www.fictionpress.info/~toboe last profile update: Jan, 17. 11 Last story update: The Evolution P.S Sorry about any spelling mistakes!! |