Author has written 1 story for Rurouni Kenshin. ~ Maid of Lorraine ~ :. Rayne Kamori .: 16.07.2009 I've decided that I will make attempts to keep you guys posted on the progression of Chapter 3 (as I'm sure some of you are curious). In Progress: TMYiV: Chapter 3 - 10 percent complete Unfortunately, I cannot even begin to guess-timate when Chapter 3 will be complete, as I am taking Organic Chemistry and doing Lab Research this summer. I am shooting for sometime in September, but I make no promises. Even the best of plans with the best intentions go awry sometimes. In any case, remember the best place for updates on writing progression (and general mishaps) will be on this profile page. Until next time. 6.07.2009 Don't freak out darlings, your eyes do not deceive you. AN UPDATE! It had not been my intention to keep you all waiting this long for Chapter 2 I want to thank all my readers who've stuck by me and left encouraging reviews. Truly, if it hadn't been for your persistence, I don't think I would have re-found my drive to tackle TMYiV again. I know very well that you guys are all aware of how reality can cut our creative writing time short - my attempts to graduate with a pre-vet degree is time-draining as hell would have it. In any case, Chapter 2 is most definitely up and complete! (Bet you guys thought the day would never come huh? That's alright, neither did I.) ." But I am brimming with good news today! For when you are done reading here -- I'd like to redirect you to the fantastic Li Laine! Chapter 5 of the lovely light-hearted romance Courting Miss Kaoru is up! You heard it here first! (yay for shameless plugs!) Also...does anyone know if there is a rule against leaving author notes or review responses in chapter posts? It's been a while...and if there isn't -- I'd love to start dishing out some review responses. =) Stories To Meet You in Valinor - The Kingdom of Delsaer is rocked in the throes of rebellion. Battousai, an elite assassin of the rebel force has been captured and marked a dead man. However, at the night of his trial his presence triggers a chain of buried memories within a certain princess - a natural blue-eyed beauty, Kaoru risks her reputation and honor and decidedly breaks proper decorum to bargain for the traitor's life. Standard procedure... Hey you lovely peeps! First off, to avoid possible confusion, I am a Maid of Lorraine. There is an account on for Maids of Lorraine, that is a joint account between Li Laine and myself. We both have our own separate accounts so please go and visit her page and read her lovely story Romancing Elydis. You guys won't be disappointed for sure. She's a spectacular authoress. And for those of you who are pining for The Art of Misconception fear not, it is most certainly not dead. Just currently on hiatus for both Li Laine and my personal stories. Disclaimer: Thus far...I own nothing. All characters belong to their respective creators. -- The lovely poetry that I use in To Meet You in Valinor that are indicated by the .periods. belong to the ingenious and terribly gifted and talented Li Laine -- |