Author has written 15 stories for Harry Potter, Movie X-overs, Anime X-overs, Artemis Fowl, Hey Arnold, and Dhoom/धूम. Hello. This is my place for fiction. I don't claim to be the best one there is, and I'm not really prolific when it comes to work, or rather, I go through phases of lotsa-work/no work at all, so, well, cope. I work moderately hard in the ones I do write, but since I tend to lose interest in things pretty quickly, I don't often finish what I start. Such is the fate of poor "Kill Tom", which was a good idea when I first thought of it, as well as "The Right Thing" and "What lies behind the veil." Details below. Update: I have deleted three stories. I'll let you to figure out which ones, if you care enough. I'm afraid I won't repost them in any shape or form. I have personal reasons for this. My Published Works (heh heh) "Baby Blues": This fic is supposed to be for the September-October 2006 Challenge from Criminality, but I doubt it gets any award, mainly because I sent it off without having someone else give it a read. It's an attempt on a challenge that was supposed to be romantic, but ended up as psychotic angst on my side, which is kind of weird. It deals with Post-partum-depressed!Angeline, and all the symptoms - mood swings, delusions, detachment from baby and of course, depression - were taken from Wikipedia, so it's not out of the blue. "Sue dismissed": The idea made me giggle when I first thought of it, about two years ago. I wrote it back then, and published it on an LJ comm, but upon re-reading, noticed a lot of things wrong with my writing. After a thorough revamping - as thorough as my job allows - it's here. Enjoy, and it might have more chapters (yeah, yeah, I know now it says 'Complete', but that's not final). "Kill Tom": I got inspired for that one after seeing a fan-made poster - superbly drawn and coloured, I must add - of Harry, wearing Beatrix Kiddo's yellow suit. I think I have a draft of the chapters, but I'm not sure. I'd like to continue with that story, so have hope. "Fic&Tonic": It is complete, but it was posted first on LiveJournal, and I'm doing some tweaking before putting it here, so if you're one of the... er, one person reading it, I won't leave you hanging. "The Right Thing": I'm not sure if I'll continue that one. As fun as it is to abuse poor, poor Remus, the story would pretty much turn into endless shagging/emotional manipulating/stupidly mushy situations if I carry on with the original idea, and none of the three appeals me, so, sorry. Although, if there were interest in it... "What lies behind the veil": It is still a good idea, and I might think about continuing it. "There": You need to go read Megatokyo. It is not the angsty stuff my one-shot makes it look like, but a really funny story about two gaijin trying to make a living at Tokyo, and failing miserably, with funny consequences. Now, where did my story come from... I'm not quite sure. "Spread your wings and fly!": ... you've got to be kidding. It was for a challenge, 'write a Sue and see how many people reply', so nope, no updating on that one. Anyway, since I already own a LiveJournal account, I will not rant endlessly here. If you came here through one of my reviews, I'm sorry to disappoint you but I'm not at all a conceited, arrogant good writer, only that I sometimes get cross with people that don't write like they've passed elementary school. And those to whom I've left positive reviews (and raving, sometimes) consider yourself lucky, for seldom do I have the time to put some work into that. So, have fun and leave reviews. I don't mind flames - I get a laugh out of those - so it's okay if you feel revengeful. ;) |