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![]() Author has written 4 stories for Pokémon. "Everyone has the same potential within them. How far you take that potential depends on you." Female/16/US Thought I would add a progress tracker to prove that I'm not dead. 3/6(?)/18: Minimal progress made, but progress is progress. 2/12/18: I know it's been a while, but I've had to step back from the Pokemon fandom for a bit following some discourse between members of the fandom and me that left an extremely sour taste in my mouth. People can be nasty sometimes. I'll try to work on DSTM 24 a bit regardless... 12/4/17: About 700 words of DSTM 24, grand total stands at around 1200 words. I've noticed that at the very beginning of chapters I write the characters oddly sarcastic... 11/23/17: Not progress, but I'd like to wish my US readers a happy Thanksgiving! Sure hope your turkey was good. Hence why this isn't progress because there is none. 11/22/17: About 500 words of DSTM 24. Using a newer computer is fun because it adds the accent marks to Pokémon and I don't need to do anything! 11/18/17: Production of DSTM 24 started. Will note that blurbs of every chapter up to 31 are drafted. 11/17/17: Oh hey, that OC story updated again. Just in time for USUM and DSTM's one year anniversary. Pretty much a hardcore Pokemon fan. Became a fan when Generation 4 was released, been a fan ever since. I have been perfecting my skills and writing for three years now. I have written fanfiction before, and now I am hopelessly obsessed with writing fanfiction. Pretty much anything I will write will be Pokemon, it's the only franchise I have an interest in writing for. I hope to write stories anyone can enjoy, and that anyone includes you! Most of my works will be inspired by the Pokemon anime, so to have a better understanding of what's going on either watch an episode or two (you won't regret it, the anime is awesome) or... y'know, Bulbapedia it or something. Ever since the S/M anime, I have renamed myself to AureliaShipping (Ash x Lillie) trash, so perhaps I'll write something shippy here and there. You can also find me on Serebii and Lake Valor, going by an almost identical name to what I am on here (SkittleBox). I sure hope you take some time to read some of my works, give a little constructive criticism, maybe drop a follow or fave... y'know, if you want to. I rarely take requests. I'm incredibly backed up with writing and planning (and really lazy). SYOC is something I'll never do. ~CURRENT PROJECTS~ Pokemon: Delta Sun and Theta Moon- What would Pokemon Sun and Moon look like as an anime with entirely new characters, rivals, goals, and challenges? I present the answer to you- Pokemon: Delta Sun and Theta Moon. DSTM is an OC JourneyFic that follows three heroes through an anime inspired Alola region. Contains exciting anime-style battles, anime contests, and an Island Trial inspired League Conference. Rivals, challenges, and the crazy Pokemon of the Alola region can be found every chapter, so DSTM is worth a read! Also OCs. OCs everywhere. I own every OC featured in Delta Sun and Theta Moon, and no more than that. Rated K-plus for "cartoon" violence. New episodes will release whenever possible. Will run for an estimated 3 to 4 years. Temporarily on hiatus due to fandom issues. AureliaShipping Drabbles and Short Stories Collection- What it says on the tin. AureliaShipping refers to the pairing of Ash and Lillie. One to three times a week, I'll release a short yet adorable chapter, usually less than 1,000 words. From a day at school to a visit to Kanto for summer break, cuteness will always follow our favorite couple wherever they may be. Rated K for general and Kuteness. Will run for an estimated... forever, I guess. ~ONE-SHOTS~ Something More- Originally written for Lake Valor's short story contest, later ported to . Years after the S/M anime, Ash and Lillie are twenty-one years old and a happy couple, Ash re-traveling his journey as his girlfriend, Lillie, forges her own and collects Gym Badges to enter and hopefully win League Conferences. In Sootopolis City, just before Lillie goes to challenge the Gym for her last Gym Badge, Ash must reach his goal of telling Lillie the most important thing he's ever had to say as his girlfriend is close to reaching her own. AureliaShipping (Ash x Lillie). Like Sparkling Snowflakes- A random one-shot written slightly out of spite due to the lack of AureliaShipping. Standalone "prequel" to Something More, but knowledge of Something More is not required to understand and enjoy the fic. Five to six years after the SM anime and five to six years before Something More, Lillie has taken up the challenge of traveling around Kalos, collecting Gym Badges with Ash by her side. At Snowbelle City, a sudden anxiety makes Lillie doubtful about her skills as a Pokemon Trainer and her confidence to win her last Kalos Gym Badge falters. When Ash fails to reconcile with her and ends up creating a bigger rift, they find themselves alone in the cold. This leads to their friendship becoming so much more... Rated K-plus for brief mention of child abuse. AureliaShipping (Ash x Lillie) ~BETA READING~ I am a registered beta reader, which means that you can come to me for help on your fanfic. I would tell more about being a beta reader here, but that's what my beta profile does for me. In a nutshell, no matter who you are, no matter your writing ability, I'm here to help. I can only help one person at a time, so if I'm busy, don't feel discouraged and maybe try again when I say I'm done. Currently not beta reading for anyone. ~OTHER CONTACTS~ These are mostly forum websites, so along with contacting me at these places, you can watch me whine and gripe about things. You can also join the discussions if you sign up (trust me, it's really fun wasting time on forums)! Maybe we could be friends. If that's okay with you. To find my profiles, look up the site. My usernames are SkittleBox on both sites. Serebii (I can't promise I'll be entirely active here) Lake Valor (if you join, make sure that you put me as your referral!) |