![]() Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Superman, DC Superheroes, Doctor Who, Heroes, and Grimm. I'm 27 years old. A Canadian hippies working as a English as a second language teacher in Kansai, Japan. Studied history and English in University and love philosohphy. I love to spend my time laughing, daydreaming and being with friends. Be warned that I have been known to laugh at the most morbid things and events, why I do this... I have no clue. Oh ya,I have a tendency to do two things. 1. Look sleepy. I think my facial mask when not talking looks either sleepy, sad or daze (Some people have thought that I am a pot head because of this, once had someone come up to me looking to buy stuff... ah the laughter) 2. Not see people. Let me explain. If you see me, wave and I walk pass you , please do not think that I have snob you. I am really sorry if I have done this to you. I tend not to focus on the here and now sometimes um alot. In my head. Very complex inner world. Not a snob, I think... Comic book/s of the moment: "The Ballad of the Sleeping Beauty" and "The White Elephant" by writer Damon Hurd and artist Christopher Steininger (If you see it in the comic book store, BUY IT)Deep, realistic with great insights into the nature of human relationships. List of Fandoms 1. Batman 2. Justice League 3. Star Trek (Original to Voyager...We shall not talk about the unholy one... 4. X by Clamp 5. Saiyuki 6. X-Files 7.Dr.Who 8. Torchwood 9. X-men 10. Damon Hurd comics 11. Brian Wood comics 12. Dawn by Micheal Joseph Linsner 13. Sailor Moon 14. Bleach 15. Mirage of Blaze 16. Embracing Love 17. Heroes 18. Dead like me 19. Freaks and Geeks 20. Peace Maker Couples: 1. Batman/Catwoman 2.Batman/Superman (Yes, I love slash too! 3.Gojyo/Hakkai 4. Gojyo/Sanzo 5. Peter/ Claire 6. Sylar/ Elle 7. Sylar/Mohinder 8. Sylar/Peter 9.Jack/ Gwen 10. Ten/Jack 11.Ten/9/Jack/Rose 12. 9/10/Rose 13.Rogue and Gambit forever! 14.Superman/Wonderwoman 15.Kirk/Spock the original slash! 16. Grimm Monroe/Nick all the way! |