Author has written 2 stories for Labyrinth, and Harry Potter. hey guys out there! I've tried my hand at writing for a while and it's always been a hobby that I enjoy to shift through and explore. Though Fanfiction is probably my most favorite thing to write as I love taking characters other people love as well and putting them in a different situation, and seeing where I can place them, and others agree. It's like trying to grasp a concept of a character and acting as though what you think they would do. My favorite catigory on this sight would have to be InuYasha, and mostly read fanfics from there. (Mostly Sesshy and Kag stories. Though I will forgive InuYasha once in a while ;-p ) Though as you can tell, I'll branch out in other catigories like my other stories based on movies Patriot and The Laberinth. I guess I'm a huge movie buff. (though unfortunitly my patriot story is gone as i strongly.. well.. strongly hated it.) Any way, I love to hear what people think about my stories, so drop me a review or a message. I'm a friendly person; promise. =) Ja Ne |