![]() Author has written 12 stories for Avengers. Important Note about the Civil War: Captain America and Iron Man were both doing the wrong thing. Steve and Tony were both doing the right thing. Or in other words, Cap should have told his teammate what was going on and Iron Man should have listened to his captain. But Tony was doing pretty well with the limited information he had. And Steve was just protecting his friend. Also General Ross is a twat. That is my entire opinion on the Marvel Civil War. Important Note: My Feelings On Tony Stark MY USERNAME SAYS TONY BUT I DON'T MEAN AGE OF ULTRON TONY I HATE AGE OF ULTRON TONY. I MEAN AVENGERS TONY. NUKE INTO A SPACE PORTAL TONY. YES, THAT ONE. Important Note: My Writing 1) I don't use OCs (except if I need to write someone like Darcy's mother that we've never met). I actually DETEST [Character/OC] fanfiction. Sorry. 2) I would deny that Age of Ultron existed... but Quicksilver sacrificing himself for Hawkeye nearly made me cry, so I accept the movie's MANY shortcomings as "well, oh well." 3) Most of my fanfiction (everything I write, actually) disregards Age of Ultron, though. Especially the part where Tony almost ended the world. 4) Movieverse Tony Stark is actually unfit to be a superhero, and I should probably hate him, so I always revert to ORIGINAL 2012 AVENGERS MOVIE Tony. 5) Seriously, basically everything I write is either POST CIVIL WAR (*coughs* "Midnight") or post-Avengers pre-Age of Ultron 6) I don't include Thor a lot. Sorry. 7) I am shameless about Tony!whump, send me links to any stories with a lot of it and I will probably favorite them, so thanks 8) Honestly, sending me Steve or Clint whump will make you a new friend, too. 9) If you hate the character Tony Stark, be warned that most of my fanfiction is about him... and he's never the villain... 10) This is important: 90% of my Tony Stark fanfiction assumes an actively abusive Howard... because I can. I'm working on posting some stuff I already have written, some little one-shots or up to four-chapter Avengers stories about Tony and what could have been (but, obviously, wasn't). It won't be edited, though I'm pretty good at grammar and spelling. It hasn't been beta'd. Some of it is shameless whump or H/C or a total ripoff of an idea by another author (done in a different way, I assure you). In-Progress: Midnight - Bucky shows up at the door to Stark Tower, prepared to die, in the middle of the night. Tony's reaction is... slightly different than Bucky expected. (NOT LIKE THAT, GET YOUR MIND OUT OF THE GUTTER). A two-man war on Hydra ensues because they are both too badass to function. Avengers, Assemble? - After the Avengers decide not to become a permanent unit (because Steve and Tony would probably never get along), Fury decides to send various members on missions together until something clicks. Unfortunately, he may have messed up and sent Captain America and Iron Man into a trap. Maybe. Oops. Thinking Your Way Out - Tony, Natasha, and Clint are in a bit of trouble. "A bit of trouble" means they've been kidnapped. Usually no problem, but... well, smarter-than-average villains. Tony decides that if two superspies can't find an opportunity to escape, he's just going to have to create one, no matter what it takes. Genius, Billionaire, Totally Not a Superhero - The one where everyone thinks Iron Man is just Tony's bodyguard and he would prefer to keep it that way. Unfortunately, it's hard to live with 3 superheroes and 2 secret agents without telling someone eventually. Fun identity porn and Avengers friendship! The Demosthenes Protocol - Tony had a plan for when the Sokovia Accords inevitably went wrong. Unfortunately he can't put it into action due to the minor inconvenience of being in a coma. Fortunately, he kinda had a plan for that too. (Written because I felt like making a Hologram!Tony) (Tony recording fluffy messages for people is the best thing). Complete: Like the Man in the Square - Introspective Steve Rogers story. What would he have become if he had never become Captain America? Would he have died like Bucky, or changed like Howard? There didn't seem to be a third option - until he saw the man in the square. Signs of Life - Tony and Clint have been kidnapped, and their only contact with SHIELD is through pictures their captors take to try and force SHIELD to give up nuclear launch codes. Tony is desperately trying to send a message, but is anyone listening? This Was A Stupid Plan - Nick Fury's thoughts during the scene where the Avengers are fighting with each other and the scene immediately after that where Tony and Steve are fixing the Helicarrier. Odds of his gamble on the Avengers paying off are set at 4%. Kept in Check - Introspective Tony piece on why he decided to support the Sokovia Accords. Second Place - Another little oneshot. When Steve was with the Commandos, they all kept little tallies of the number of times they had saved each others' lives. He kept up the tradition with the Avengers. Only Steve knew the day Tony's count passed Bucky's. 126 to 127, and it felt like a betrayal. Iron Man Yes, Tony Stark No - Introspective Natasha piece. Focuses on her "Iron Man II" evaluation of him, and how her opinions do and do not change during "The Avengers." Repaid Trust (Zappy Things and Falling Suits of Armor) - Introspective 2012 Avengers movie oneshot. Why Tony was poking Bruce on the Helicarrier, how he was so sure Bruce would show up in New York, why the Hulk caught Iron Man, and why those two are now my official brotp. No slash. Okay so here's how this goes: I am a purely Avengers writer on this profile. My misc. stuff won't be posted online (it sucks, actually) and I won't tell you the name of my other profile on here because I hate my writing unless it's superhero stuff. Avengers Pairings I Can Write (Although really I suck at writing romance in general so...): Stony (Superhusbands if you must call it that) IronHawk (Clint and Tony would be the sassiest little shits) Avengers Pairings I Also Like: Science Boyfriends (they're my brotp but I'm ok with a relationship too) Stucky (Barnes & Noble, I love that ship name) WinterIronShield (Stuckony? Whatever. I usually use Stucky as an established pairing and then they both awkwardly realize they're crushing on Tony too.) BlackHawk (Clintasha? Is that what they're calling it now?) Avengers Pairings I Actively Dislike: Any character paired with an OC. KEEP IT AWAY. Thank you. Uh, no Thorki. And I pretty much don't understand everyone's obsession with Loki. And I don't even care about Thor. I DO NOT GIVE ANY NUMBER OF SHITS THAT CLINT WAS MARRIED IN AGE OF ULTRON I AM DISREGARDING LAURA AS AN ENTITY. Think about how great it would have been if she were his sister though. That's all, folks. Please enjoy. |