Author has written 7 stories for Dragon Ball Z. I created this account for two reasons, mostly. One is to leave signed reviews. The other's to post my fic, "Starting College." The second fic I wrote, "The Perfect Date," is mostly the extra material I couldn't use in "Starting College." Therefore it is likely I am done with fanfiction. Especially because I don't much care for this site. However, I plan to write some things in the future, and so if you enjoyed my writing, you may see it put to some original characters in the future. My favorite pairing is Goten x Trunks (Dragonball Z), followed closely by Taichi x Yamato (Digimon). Beyond that, I'll occasionally read Gohan x Trunks and Goku xVegeta (also Dragonball Z) or Takeru x Daisuke (Digimon) if it looks good. That's about it, though. I rarely venture outside these pairings, and almost never outside these fandoms. I have seen Furuba, Gravi, Naruto, etc., but am not interested in any fanfiction from any of them. I also don't (typically) enjoy fanfiction with sex changes, rape, male pregnancy, cutting, suicide, or several other keywords present in the summary that scream to me "stay away!" If it is particularly well-written, I will make an exception, but this is rarely the case (and usually I have to already be reading it to know whether it's well-written, and if any of these words/phrases are in the summary, I probably won't be reading it). Sex-change exception: "The Bride Wore a Tuxedo" by Mikenno (Goten/Trunks). Very well done. Cutting exception: "Ripples" by Fawkes' Feather (Taichi/Yamato).A fourteen thousand word one-shot, and very nicely done. I'm also not a big fan of OC's, even though I have used them myself. It's not hypocritical; I have excuses! Anyway, if you have actually read this much of my profile, I am impressed! Here is where I will give you the link to my cheap website, when I get it up and running. There you will be able to find commentary to the story "Starting College," done by Goten and Trunks themselves, and also probably find more stuff in the future, since I may not keep up with this account here too much longer. Finally, feel free to contact me by PM'ing me or by email. That's my name here at yahoo dot com. I'm sure there's more I wanted to say, but I can't think of it now. |