Author has written 7 stories for Yu-Gi-Oh, Yu Yu Hakusho, Anime X-overs, and Runaways. Well, I've actually become inspired to write again, thanks to the two TKs (or KTs, depending on which way you do the family name): Tim Kring (creator of Heroes) and Kubo Tite (manga-ka of Bleach). They own my brain, hence my crossover series between the two universes. I'm a anime/manga fan - if it's in Shonen Jump, or on Adult Swim/Toonami, odds are I read/watch it. Unfortunately, I'm poor, with limited hard drive space on top of that, so I don't get to get most of non-televised anime that I want to see. (sighs) I make exceptions for current episodes of Naruto Shippuuden, Bleach, Prince of Tennis, and Saiyuki, and I'm slowly catching up on One Piece, but I can't handle more than that. Beyond that, I'm also a Fruits Basket convert - the sole girly/shoujo thing I read/watch PERIOD. Outside of anime, I'm currently watching the older Williams Street stuff on Adult Swim (frankly, with the exception of Metalocalypse, the new stuff is teh s uck), both Stargate series, Dresden Files, Doctor Who, and Battlestar Galactica (I watch a few other non-genre shows as well). Yes, I'm also a die hard Harry Potter fan. (g) Story likes: plausible crossovers, stories with actual plot unless labelled "PWP", stories with proper spelling and grammar (although that rule is relaxed somewhat for non-native English speakers), good slash/shounen-ai/yaoi (oddly enough, I don't tend to read f/f stories, unless the pairing really interests me - I would probably check out Yoruichi/Soi Fong or Chizuru/Tatsuki - I have no idea why I only read m/m), good gen fic, and good het fic that DOESN'T feature Mary-Sues (sadly, this is one reason I tend not to read het fic, as I got burned in some fandoms - Bleach is the first fandom in a long time that I've read het fic in, because there are so many good pairings). |