Author has written 3 stories for Kingdom Hearts. Okubyo:Umm...hello there everyone...i know you probably don't read these things, but i'll write here anyways...cause there's a blank space...and...i want to fill it... Sawagashii: you're babbling again kit... Okubyo: hmm? oh...i guess i was...well...anyways...i like yaoi, and shounen-ai, and that's all i write. Sawagashii: hetero makes her sick, doesn't it kit? Okubyo: that's not something they need to know shii-chan...i like writing from just about every anime or manga that i love, and i love writing angst/romance/humor/hentai/drama/paranormal...and bascially everything else... well...i have an account at adult if you want, here's the link: http:///aff/userpanel.php?profile please go and visit it sometime...i havethree one-shots andthe beginning of my multi-chapalready there. please be kind to me and treat me well... ~Okubyo Uzumaki ps: i'm really horrible at keeping schedules, and once i start large projects, i tend to get sidetracked, and put things off, please forgive me, and be patient with me, thank you very much. |