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Joined 03-31-16, id: 7698491, Profile Updated: 05-17-19
Author has written 1 story for Naruto.

What is up everyone! I am Syn! The 1,315th Syn, yes.

For the longest time I have written my own short stories and have really started to enjoy it. I began writing my own book's lore and such, and decided the best way to get started in writing a larger series of books, would be through fanfiction, worlds that already exist! Man was I right.

Even though I have just started, I am already seeing that this is going to be awesome. I thought to myself, "Eh, maybe just one fanfic." Now? I'm already wondering what's gonna come next! I do wanna finish my stories before starting another though, gets troublesome.

Never be afraid to send a PM, I'll always answer unless I just don't like your attitude! Leave your reviews and I may or may not respond to those, just depends, but I usually will as fast as I can. I am a busy man!

One thing I would love from you guys, and always will love it, is if you could send me art of the fanfiction characters I have! So for my story, A Whole New Level, I have been hoping and praying to God that someday someone will send me artwork of my version of Naruto (Forehead protector around his neck, Sage Cloak on, flak jacket is on sometimes depending on how he feels) using his new "Spiralling Storm", the Lightning variation of the Rasengan. That would be freaking awesome. I would die inside. Whoever wants to do that, it would be cool, just PM me and I'll answer any questions about Naruto and the technique!

This would be absolutely perfect for the Story Cover I wanna put on here!

Hell, maybe I will learn to draw it up myself! Can never have too many talents (or in my case just hobbies).

Love all of y'all!

God Bless!

A Whole New Level reviews
After Pein's attack on the Hidden Leaf, Naruto and Kakashi realize that they are two of the only few that stand between the Leaf and it's greatest enemies. Together, the young Hokage and young Sage do everything they can to keep the Hidden Leaf protected.
Naruto - Rated: M - English - Adventure/Drama - Chapters: 14 - Words: 73,462 - Reviews: 105 - Favs: 182 - Follows: 274 - Updated: 6/30/2019 - Published: 4/16/2017 - Naruto U., Kakashi H.