Author has written 3 stories for Winx Club, G. I. Joe, Heroes of Might and Magic, and Supernatural. Hello and Welcome to the profile of Counting Shadows. A few things about me: 1. I discovered fanfiction because I was bored and looking for something to read. And I've been hooked ever since. 2. I am a major bookworm. I'll devour anything I find interesting. Currently, I have devoured all the Harry Potter books, the Lord of the Rings series, the Divergent trilogy, the Hobbit, two Dan Brown books; Angels and Demons and Inferno, The little old Lady who Broke all the rules, the Hunger Games (hated Mockingjay) and read the first book in the Paladin Prophecy. I have read several others but am unable to name off the top of my head. 3. I get bored very easily. Like Sherlock Holmes, I don't do well when I'm bored. Unlike him, I don't go around deducing people and blabbing their secrets or take Cocaine. I'm not that stupid. I just get very bored very easily, if I don't have any simulation to my brain, I will tune out and do something that has nothing to do with what's going on. 4. I can be considered a bit weird by my peers. Probably because I'm not in too a lot of the stuff they are interested in. I have been considered a bit morbid and creepy because I like cold cases and serial killers that were never caught. It's just that according to my parents, that I've got a strong sense of justice, I don't like it when something happens and no one is ever caught or charged for it. 5. I prefer to discuss serious issues like Human rights violations and the refugee crisis over celebs and fashion. I'm not one of the biggest fans of politics, now, if I see a policy that I agree/disagree with, I will talk about it. But politics in general, as Sherlock likes to say: "Dull". 6. I don't believe in true love and being hit by lightning and soulmates. When I decide I like someone, it will have been after we've been friends for a long time. I am questioning when it comes to sexuality. I am unsure whether or not I'm asexual or bisexual yet. I do ship both heterosexual and homosexual ships though. 7. I am very passionate about music. I have very exquisite tastes when it comes to what I listen too. I don't like a lot of the stuff that a lot of people like to listen too. Don't get me wrong, I like some modern artists; Demi Lovato, Kelly Clarkson, Taylor Swift, OneRepublic just to name a few. 8. I rather blunt when I'm annoyed. It's one of those things I really can't control, I try but sometimes I fall short. 9. I am an introvert and I have some social anxiety issues. I haven't really have any experiences with those people who say: "You need to change your perspective on it and it'll go away." In my opinion, the people who stay stuff like don't understand mental illness. Unless they've had a mental illness like depression or OCD or anxiety, they don't know what it's like to live with it. 10. I would like to go on and work with the police. I want to be part of the crime scene unit of work in a crime lab. I haven't decided yet. Though, working for the CBSA sounds cool. 11. I am just a teen struggling to find her place in this world. That's all I am. 12. I like writing Bloom centered stories. I don't know why. Probably because I like her a lot. Don't get me wrong, I like the other girls too just, Bloom is my favorite. |